Thursday, March 13th, 2025 Church Directory
First row: Kevin Vogl, Logan Eisele, Connor Schendzielos, Ryan Bengtson, Drew Lundeen, Micah Boyer, Nathan Gunderson, Noah McDonald, Alex Weismann and Alex Weiss. Middle row: Nolan Murphy, Nick Gruber, Caleb Deeren, Charley Hill, Tyson Ricker, Brady Paumen, Dylan Kolby, Grant Studer, Eli Scheideman, Haden McKay and Logan Ahlbrecht. Back row: Coach Mark Ricker, Coach Brent Scheideman, E.J. Henderson, Coach Hokan Bengtson, J.D. Pride.

Becker 4th Graders Play At Winter Park

A Becker fourth grade football squad was one of four teams to participate in the 1st  Minnesota Vikings Turkey Bowl Monday at Winter Park.
Originally the games were set to be played at TCF Bank Stadium last weekend, but the weather caused the event to be postponed and moved to Monday to the Vikings Facility in Eden Prairie.
Becker High School Football Coach Dwight Lundeen is part of a committee organized by the NFL and the Minnesota Vikings focused on bringing awareness to the problem of concussions in sports and to promote sportsmanship and clean play while giving the youths some teaching.
During the event, Former Viking linebacker E.J. Henderson held a skills clinic and discussed how the sport of football is dealing with the rash of concussion issues that has made the headlines over the last few years. The program was looking for two outstate teams and two metro teams to participate and Becker’s fourth grade team was chosen along with a team from St. Paul, Byron and Phelps Park.
Becker squared up against St. Paul and played four, 12-minute quarters of football action at 6:30 p.m. Byron and Phelps Park played their game later that night.
Becker’s team was coached by Brent Scheideman, Hokan Bengtson, Mark Ricker and J.D. Pride and consisted of Kevin Vogl, Logan Eisele, Connor Schendzielos, Ryan Bengtson, Drew Lundeen, Micah Boyer, Nathan Gunderson, Noah McDonald, Alex Weismann, Alex Weiss, Nolan Murphy, Nick Gruber, Caleb Deeren, Charley Hill, Tyson Ricker, Brady Paumen, Dylan Kolby, Grant Studer, Eli Scheideman, Haden McKay and Logan Ahlbrecht.
“The kids had a great time and so did the parents who attended,” said Lundeen. “I really think the event turned out well and I’m sure we’ll have a second annual event next year.”