Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 Church Directory

Wright County Sheriff's Department Activity Report

Wright County Sheriff’s Office Activity Report for Period Ending September 19, 2022

Sept. 12th: Sara Jean Anderson, 35 of Hoffman was arrested in Stearns Co. - Wright Co. warrant - possess ammo/firearm of person convicted of crime of violence; Anthony Montrell Brown Jr, 32 of Duluth was arrested in St Louis Co. - Wright Co. warrant – theft; Becca Marie Ewing, 25 of Otsego was arrested in Otsego - charge of domestic assault; Jeremiah Raymond Hoskins, 43 of New Brighton was arrested in Anoka Co. - Wright Co. warrant - 3rd degree-controlled substance; Rachael Howard Robinson, 28 of Minneapolis was arrested in Scott Co. - four Wright Co. warrants – theft; Joseph James Sufka, 37 of Sartell was arrested in Maple Lake - Wright Co. warrants - violate harassment/restraining order & theft.

Sept. 13th: Nathan James Hofman, 42 of Buffalo was arrested in Buffalo - Wright Co. warrant - 4th degree assault on Peace Officer; Picabo Alejandra Rodriquez, 22 of Annandale was arrested in Annandale - charge of violate domestic abuse no contact order; Malorie Margaret Steiger, 32 of Annandale was arrested in Buffalo - charge of 5th degree assault; Trevor James Sweeney, 33 of Monticello was arrested in Monticello - charge of domestic assault by strangulation.

Sept. 14th: Richard Stephen Collopy, 40 of Gackle ND was arrested in Hennepin Co. - Wright Co. warrant - financial transaction card fraud; Jerome Davis II, 40 of Watertown was arrested in Delano - Wright Co. warrant - 5th degree-controlled substance; Samual Alfred Mickelson, 37 of Big Lake was arrested in Monticello - charge of 3rd degree DWI; Kendall Kenard Wallace Jr, 25 of Otsego was arrested in Albertville - charge of 4th degree assault on Peace Officer.

Sept. 15th: Joshua Mogaka Achuka, 32 of Otsego was arrested in Otsego - charge of violate harassment/restraining order; Casey Michael Homberger, 34 of Otsego was arrested in Otsego - charge of receiving stolen property; Ethan Zachariah Kingren, 22 of Buffalo was arrested in Hennepin Co. - Wright Co. warrant - 3rd degree-controlled substance; Austin Christopher Lashbrook, 23 of Burnsville was arrested in Buffalo - charge of 5th degree assault; Aaron Micah Lutterman, 39 of Monticello was arrested in Monticello - charge of 5th degree assault; Jerrold Preston Nagel, 30 of Montrose was arrested in Rockford - charge of flee Peace Officer in motor vehicle; Austin Lawrence St Aubin, 23 of Montrose was arrested in Montrose - charge of 5th degree-controlled substance; Erin Michelle Tjepkes, 40 of Minneapolis was arrested in Hennepin Co. - Wright Co. warrant - identity theft.

Sept. 16th: Krissy Lyn Devries, 44 of New Hope was arrested in Monticello - charge of 3rd degree DWI; Adam Dale Fosdick, 38 of Monticello was arrested in Hennepin Co. - Wright Co. warrants - domestic assault by strangulation & person in possession of ammo/firearm who has been convicted of violent crime; Chell Christopher Luesse, 62 of St Bonafacius was arrested in Hennepin Co. - Wright Co. warrant - 3rd degree DWI; Antonio Menchez Simmons, 40 of Rogers was arrested in Monticello - charge of driving after cancelation/inimical to public safety; Nicholas Arthur Trunnell, 43 of Andover was arrested in Hennepin Co. - Wright Co. warrant - theft.

Sept. 17th: Jason Randall Fladeboe, 48 of Clearwater was arrested in Clearwater - charge of violate harassment/restraining order; Justin Michael Lowell, 42 of Cokato was arrested in Delano - charge of violate domestic abuse no contact order; Austin James Spielmann, 75 of Minnetonka was arrested in Annandale - charge of driving restrictions/no use of alcohol; Lori Ann Szykulski, 57 of St Michael was arrested in Monticello - charges of 3rd degree DWI, driving after cancelation/inimical to public safety & 5th degree-controlled substance.

Sept. 18th: Charles James Allen, 36 of Onamia was arrested in Clearwater - charge of 5th degree-controlled substance; Anthony James Ashley, 47 of Monticello was arrested in Monticello - charges of domestic assault & 5th degree assault; Derek Mitchell Provo, 22 of Annandale was arrested in Annandale - charges of 2nd degree assault, obstruct legal process & domestic assault; Surrendra Rajpaul, 39 of Monticello was arrested in Monticello - charge of 3rd degree DWI; Cory Steven Sund, 36 of Avon was arrested in Buffalo - charge of violate domestic abuse no contact order.

There were 19 property damage accidents, 10 personal injury accidents, 9 hit & run accidents & 6 car deer accidents.

There were arrests - 2 DWI, 1 underage consumption arrests, 6 school bus stop arm violations & 115 tickets - miscellaneous traffic violations reported this week.