Wright County has over 1400 farms and ranks in the top ten in the following categories according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture: Horses (#1); Fruits, nuts and berries; Chicken layers; Chicken broilers; Pheasants; and Nursery, greenhouses and sod. Wright County has many outstanding farm families who make very positive contributions to the economic and cultural environment of the county while receiving little or no recognition.
The University of Minnesota Extension annually recognizes farm families throughout the state and each county is invited to select a farm family to represent their county. The University of Minnesota Extension -- Wright County is seeking nominations for Wright County Farm Family of the Year. The family selected will receive county recognition at the Wright County Fair, as well as state-wide recognition at FarmFest 2016 near Redwood Falls, MN, in early August.
Nominees should be actively involved in agricultural with one or more agricultural enterprises or have made significant short term progress and/or innovative contributions with their agricultural endeavors. Consider not only the popular crop and animal enterprises, but also production areas such as potato, vegetable, fruit, berries, aquaculture, agriforestry, renewable energy supplies, organic, alternative and sustainable farm enterprises.
In addition to demonstrating a commitment to enhancing and supporting the fields of agriculture and production, nominees should also be involved in their communities and related organizations.
To nominate a family to be Wright County Farm Family of 2016, call Rod Greder at University of Minnesota Extension, Wright County at 763-682-7381 or send an e-mail to gred0014@umn.edu to obtain a nomination form. All nominations must be received by March 18th and a family will be selected by May 1st, 2016. To see a list of previously selected families in Wright Co, go to: http://mnfarmfamilies.cfans.umn.edu/Wright.html