The majority of discussion at Monday’s Palmer Twp. Board Meeting concerned the variance requests submitted by Joe Dick of Becker for upgrading his lake property.
Dick Variances
Dick submitted three variance requests — one for a shoreline setback, one for impervious surface and one for a setback from side property line for an addition.
Most of the variances were due to lack of accurate ordinances and zoning for homes that were built 50+ years ago. Dick’s cabin was built in the 1940s and featured a setback from the lake at less than 80 feet whereas current zoning standards allow for no setbacks less than 100 feet.
The impervious surface rule is designated at 25% where Dick’s property shows impervious at 35%. With the improvements, he hopes to have that 35% reduced to 34.5%.
The cabin was built directly on the northern property line and is thus non-conforming to property lines — though Dick’s current neighbors have accepted the situation. But because of the non-conformity, Dick must pay for a variance.
Dick says he and his spouse plan to install several rain gardens and improve landscaping to “improve the lake, all the runoff and keeping water from draining into the lake,” he said.
The other modifications he plans are to add a new entryway and expand the master bedroom, master bath and closets.
Many of the 16 or so concerned citizens at Monday’s meeting said their main concern was the runoff from other properties and the road into the lake. Several had suggestions on how to fix the drainage and one was to install drainage grates in the new driveway with collection barrels on the sides.
After all the testimony, the board voted in favor of the variances and told Dick they would send down their comment form to the county establishing their approval — with a few exceptions. The board asked Dick to see about doing more to reduce the impervious surface closer to the zoning law and to continue to identify ways to improve the landscape so the water runoff situation is not such a large concern.
Stepka Variance
David Stepka appeared before the board to request a variance so he can add onto an already existing detached garage on his property.
Stepka said his land is zoned residential/agricultural and the county says he wouldn’t need a variance if he just decided to build a new structure next to the existing one, 10-feet apart.
Stepka says he doesn’t like that look and would rather seek a variance to keep the structure and his property more appealing from the road and other properties. Stepka also said the county gets fearful when someone looks to add square footage to a garage because that usually signals the person is setting up to have a business run out of the new space.
“Believe me, this addition is strictly for storage,” said Stepka. “It’s for our tractors, spreaders, snow throwers, stuff like that.”
Despite the board thinking Stepka’s request might set a precedent, the board approved the variance.
CUP Request
Forrest Brothen submitted a request for a CUP to build a personal storage structure on property across the street from his main residence.
Brothen’s property is on the east side of Lake Julia. Brothen was not in attendance at Monday’s meeting.
The board approved the CUP request.
Roads and Signs
Maintenance employee Mitch Hoefer said he was all caught up with putting up signs throughout the township except for a “few scragglers”. The board mentioned they had heard from a few people some of the signs were not installed, but Hoefer re-assured the board he got the job done.
Fire Dept.
Mike Ganz said he and Steve Demeules attended the most recent fire board meeting. Ganz said there was a lot of discussion about rates as far as percentage-wise between townships. He also indicated some of the fire runs have been mis-tabulated and adjustments need to be made.
Ganz said Clear Lake City indicated they’d like to build a new fire station and have all three entities help pay for it. Ganz was not in favor of this idea nor were others at the meeting.
Ganz said there plans to be another meeting between the three entities in a couple weeks to continue to discuss these topics.
Park Report
Hoefer said the new water system began to be installed last Monday and he thinks they’ll finish the job by this coming Monday.
Hoefer also said the township received the grant money they were seeking for a nitrate filtration system.
Hoefer says he contacted Midwest Machinery about mowing the ditches and the estimate came in higher than expected. Hoefer says he’s sure he can talk them down to a more reasonable number.
Lake Association
Rosalie Musachio of the Briggs Lake Chain Association said the new directory is out. She also said the Hwy. 25 clean-up event was a success. She also mentioned the association had a very successful garage sale event this past weekend during the fishing opener.
Musachio said the association is preparing to have a float in the Palmer Day celebration. She also said she is defiantly defending having a dumpster on Brigg’s Lake that is being threatened to be removed by Clear Lake Twp.
Plenty of discussion carried on about dumpsters at landings and the goods and the bads associated with such a feature.
Park Donation
An anonymous person donated $2,000 to the Palmer Parks and the message was the person so enjoyed the park as a child, that they wanted to “do something special to a park system that meant so much to him.”
Up next
The next Palmer Twp. Board Meeting is June 12 at 7 p.m.