Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory

Teacher Contract Negotiations Continue

Press release from the Certified Negotiations Committee of the Becker Board of Education: (Bryan Olson, Lori Molus and Mark Swanson).

The school district and Becker Education Association (BEA) representatives met on June 4th in mediation to continue negotiations to settle the 2013-15 contract. The district’s current proposal is a $558,000 increase, which is a salary and benefit increase of $3,441 per teacher over the two years of the contract. The district’s proposal falls within the current budget, which should maintain the current staff, keep class sizes the same, and retain existing student programs. 
 The BEA’s current proposal is a $1,263,519 increase, which is a salary and benefit increase of $7,786 per teacher over the two years of the contract.  The teachers proposal would result in a budget cut of $700,000, impacting staff members, increasing class sizes and eliminating student programs.
 The school board is planning a special meeting to discuss teacher contract negotiations.The parties have scheduled another mediation session on June 20.  The school board is committed to settling the contract in a positive manner.