The Santiago board held their monthly board meeting March 13 with the following topics discussed: sheriff report, solar panels, and a quick presentation by Mayor of Becker, Mark Kolbinger.
Solar Panels
There was a lengthy discussion on whether or not solar panels should be implemented on Santiago farm land. Many who were at the meeting opposed the idea. They deduced that the solar panels would harm the farmland as well as pose a threat to the environment after the panels have no more use.
There was one advocate for solar panels, who stated that the solar fields would give the soil rest as well as add nutrients into the soil.
It was determined that more research needed to be done and so the board made a motion to not switch agriculture to energy and it passed.
Mayor Visit
Becker Mayor Mark Kolbinger advised the board that he was elected as the fire board chairmen in January and one of his first steps is by fostering a better relationship with Santiago. He plans on accomplishing this by coming in once a year and giving a report on the fire and rescue over the past year.
Kolbinger also wanted the citizens of Santiago to know that the fire board cares about Santiago.
Sheriff’s Report
The sheriff report consisted of seven medical calls, 11 traffic stops, two dueling fires, and a couple domestic calls.
There was a request for the Police Dept. to keep a lookout this motorcycle season for speeders and noise complaints.
The only changes that have been made to the winery is the upgrade to 60 people instead of 40 people.
Fire Report
Fire and rescue stated that there were 18 total calls ranging from fire to medical to gas leaks.
The meeting ended with the passing of bills/expenditures and the treasurers report.