Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 Church Directory

Sen. Mathews to serve as co-chair on Senate Energy Committee

Sen. Andrew Mathews (R-Princeton) announced last Wednesday he will serve as the Republican Co-Chair on the Senate Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate Committee while the 33-33 power sharing agreement is in effect. 

Sen. Mathews will prioritize legislation that protects consumers’ access to reliable, affordable energy and repeals the outdated nuclear moratorium which stifles innovation and energy security in Minnesota. There was bipartisan support to repeal Minnesota’s nuclear moratorium in the last biennium; however, it was stripped out of the conference committee before the bill made it to floor. With a more balanced legislature, Mathews expects the proposal will once again see support from members of both parties.  

“It is a great honor to serve the residents of Senate District 27 in the Minnesota Senate and to be entrusted to serve as the Republican Co-Chair of the energy committee,” Sen. Mathews said. “Implementing policies that enable dependable, affordable energy production is crucial this session as our state works to meet renewable energy goals set last biennium. We will be looking at proposals to increase consumer protections for the purpose of lowering costs for Minnesota families and expanding the forms of energy generation that count towards renewable standards.” 

In addition to the Senate Energy, Utilities, Environment, and Climate Committee, Mathews will serve on the elections and commerce committees.  

Senator Mathews encourages constituents to reach out to his office to share their questions or priorities. He can be reached by email at sen.andrew.mathews@mnsenate.gov or by phone at 651-296-8075.