Friday, September 20th, 2024 Church Directory
GENERAL FUNDS. Shown is a breakdown of general fund spending by Minnesota schools as presented by Becker Dist. Business Mgr. Joe Prom at the school board meeting Monday night. Becker schools spend 48 per cent on regular instruction, and 15 1/2 per cent on special education, Prom said
LEVY HISTORY. This chart comparing recent levy totals was presented by Business Mgr. Joe Prom during the regular meeting of the Becker Board of Education Monday night. A public hearing on the Pay 15 levy will be held at the regular board meeting on Mon., Dec. 1.

School Board Reviews Upcoming Levy Request

Approval of two new individual contracts, a review of the district financial history and a discussion of the 2015 levy certification were among the items on the agenda at the regular meeting of the Becker Board of Education Monday night.  The board also approved two addendums in regard to Policy 902 as it relates to the use of the new Performing Arts Center on the campus.  All board members were present, with Clerk Mark Swanson attending via the Internet from a remote location in Maple Grove. 
The board unanimously approved new contracts for the Community Education and Director of Buildings and Grounds positions.
The agreement with the Community Education Director is a multi-year compact running from 2013-14 through 2016-17.  It includes a total increase in salary of 4.71 per cent over the four-year span of the contract and a six per cent overall cost increase, with no changes in the existing contract language.
The Director of Buildings and Grounds position agreement covers the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years, and includes a salary increase of 2.53 per cent over the two-year period.  The agreement also details single coverage for spouse for the first 12 months after retirement in lieu of vacation payout language.
District Business Mgr. Joe Prom presented a report on the history of school funding in Minnesota and in the Becker district. In that presentation, Prom showed the state average for general fund spending includes 45 per cent for regular instruction and 18 per cent for special education, compared to 48 per cent for regular instruction and 15 ½ per cent for special education in Becker.
On average, schools spend 14 per cent on transportation, eight per cent on administration, 7 per cent on pupil and instructional support, 5 per cent on capital and three per cent on activities, Prom said. (See attached graphic.)
Prom also reported a major change in school funding took place in 2001, when school funding moved from property tax to state tax, which resulted in the loss of funding from Northern States Power that Becker had received up to that point.  Board Member Bryan Olson said that “2001 was the year that the Golden Goose died” for the Becker district.
Nutrition costs for Minnesota schools are met with 47 per cent federal aid, 49 per cent local taxes and 4 per cent from the state, Prim said, while in Becker the local contribution is 61 per cent from local taxes.  Olson suggested Prom present that portion of his report at in St. Paul, should the opportunity arise.
Prom also presented a chart detailing the levy costs for the two most recent years.  For 2013, the total proposed levy was $7,665,146, contracted with $6,992,808 for 2014 and the proposed 2015 levy of $7,584,282.  (See attached chart.)  The “Truth in Taxation” meeting regarding the final levy total will take place during the regular board meeting on Dec. 1.
Building Report
In the construction committee report, Olson said that new auditorium and swimming pool projects were not “95 per cent” complete, with some detail work still in progress.  He also noted that the new facilities had been “very well received by the community, students and faculty” at the recent open house.  He also discussed an estimate for replacement of the floor in the field house, which will cost a projected $435,000.  That project will not be on-line for at least two years nd the contractors providing estimates have indicated that the current floor will easily last for two more years.
Swanson reported signage for the new facilities and parking lots is in progress, now that a review by Becker city officials is complete.
Board member Sheri Lumley inquired about sound abatement materials for the new aquatic center, in regard to the noise level present at swim meets.  Swanson said  the cost of the materials had caused that portion of the project to be abandoned early in the planning process.  Board Member Lori Molus said that she had had feedback from the Foley girls swimming team, indicating that they “could not wait” to come back to Becker to make use of the new facilities.
Other Business
Supt. Dr. Stephen Malone introduced BHS senior Karly Bauer as the new student government representative on the school board for the current school year.
The board approved addendums to Policy 902 as regards the use of the new performing arts center.  Malone recommended approving the changes after meeting with representatives from the Great Theatre in St. Cloud and the Starz Dance Studio in Becker, both of which will be using the new space in the immediate future.
The board also conducted a lively discussion of the level of input the Minnesota State High School League should have in regard to district policy goals for extra-curricular activities. The board also discussed ideas for improving academic progress, broadening communications with the community in regard to the current and future levy plans, and ways to promote creativity and critical thinking in the classroom.
The Sherburne Northern Wright Education Coop and the Becker School District won Certificates of Achievement from the Minnesota Dept. of Education for their on-going operating processes.