Thursday, November 28th, 2024 Church Directory

Roads The Big Story In Cw Township

The big story in Clearwater Township in 2017 was road construction.
Throughout 2016, the board of supervisors had discussed developing a long range plan for fixing, and possibly paving some of the township’s roads.
During the 2017 annual township meeting, residents voted to keep the road and bridge fund at $330,000, even though some people were in favor of increasing the budget to build up the fund even more for future projects.
One of the bigger projects was a joint venture with Silver Creek Twp. to reconstruct a 9,100-foot length of 150th Street between Grover Ave. and Co. Rd. 8. The project is a multi-year endeavor with slope and safety issues. Members of the Clearwater Town Board and Silver Creek met twice during the year to talk about road priorities and funding possibilities.
In October, the board agreed to move ahead with the first stage of the potential $600,000 road project, an agreement with engineering firm Hakanson Anderson to do preliminary work and draw up plans for the project at a cost of $42,000.
 At the following meeting, the board reviewed and approved a joint powers agreement with Silver Creek, which designated 57.5% of the cost of the project to Clearwater Twp. and the remaining 42.5% to Silver Creek.
The project might not start for another two to three years because of wetland and other permits required before any dirt is moved. That gives each township time to build up its funds for the project.
Earlier in the year, the township completed a smaller, 480-foot section of 150th Street east of Huber Ave.
Other projects on the to-do list include chip sealing in Ray’s Addition, sealcoating 162nd and Eldridge Ave. and reconstruction of Elder Ave. -  the town line road that runs through Hasty.
At its December meeting, the board awarded the contract to chip sealing of 160th Street, Evans Ave. and Fillmore Ave. to Astech Inc. at either $126,150 or $109,125, depending on the grade of materials the township chooses.
But it’s not only the township that is taking on road projects. In 2017, Wright County took a big step towards accelerating its road project schedule.
In July, the Wright County Board approved a local option 1/2% sales tax to fund county transportation projects.
The Wright County Highway Dept. had already identified more than $78 million in projects over the next 10-plus years, and $27 million in projects in the next five years. The sales tax is expected to bring in more than $80 million over the next 15 to 20 years.