Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory
BRIAN LEVANDUSKI (left) brought a speeding concern on 172nd Ave SE and a park request to the Becker Township Board Meeting on Monday, August 18.
MARK WIMMER and the board listened as Township Engineer T. VanderEyk (far right) explained the mechanics of the shouldering machine in response to Wimmer's concerns about the recent shoulder widening of his street.

Residential Concerns Voiced At Becker Township Board Meeting

Becker Township residents voiced concerns about several topics at the Becker Township Board meeting Monday night.

2014 Road Projects Finished
Township Engineer T. VanderEyk announced the major road projects have been completed for the summer with the striping on 177th, 109th and 102nd recently finished. 
The shoulder widening project has also been completed, although they are dealing with washouts on one of the streets.
Resident Road Concerns
Resident Brian Levanduski reported a speeding concern on 173rd ave to Sergeant Dan Franks. Neighbors have previously called the police about the speeding and recklessness of a particular driver on that road, but so far they have seen no change. Sergeant Franks promised to send an officer this week. 
Next up was Mark Wimmer, who presented pictures to the board about the recent shouldering job done on the roads in his neighborhood. The pictures revealed a 10-inch thick layer of gravel and then an abrupt drop off. 
Wimmer and his neighbors find the new shouldering wasteful, hazardous and an eyesore. Four of the residents were so disgusted, they removed the excess gravel themselves. 
Wimmer reported his neighbor popped a tire on her riding lawn mower while attempting to mow the ditch on her property and almost flipped the vehicle. He is also concerned for any cars going off of the shoulder as well. Such a steep drop off could easily roll a car. 
"You've created a hazard. It needs to be hauled out of there," concluded Wimmer.
VanderEyk shed light on the process of laying the shoulders. "The problem with the shouldering machine is that it's got a fixed grade and a fixed width."
"Unfortunately we can't tailor these. We'll talk to the contractor and have them take a gander," said Board Chair Gary Hammer. 
The engineering firm will look at the shoulders to see if they can be fixed under warranty. 
Park Inquiry 
Next on the agenda was a park request by Levanduski for the lot on the corner of 172nd ave SE and 165th Street SE. 
"We started talking as a neighborhood that it would be nice to have a park for our kids to play at," said Levanduski, noting that the current nearest park is across busy Co. Rd. 11. 
Currently, the township is not involved in any parks and does not have the staff to maintain them. To create a Parks Department for the township would increase taxes by one-third to one-half. 
"In my opinion, I don't think that's a direction we're going to go right now," remarked Hammer.
Ongoing Projects
The Garbrian Woods project is still working through the pending easement documents, but they are confident they can move ahead soon with the homeowners' signatures.
The township is currently working with Rep. Jim Newberger to assuage the drainage problems in the Bridgeview neighborhood. They have invited Newberger  to meet with them and see the six homes affected by the poor drainage.
Other Business
The permit application public hearing for the retail firearms and gun repair shop proposed by Dan Fouquette took place Aug.11, allowing neighbors to ask questions about the proposed shop. Public comment is now closed. 
Fouquette is not proposing a shooting range. He has applied for a permit to sell and repair guns out of a residence by appointment only.
The planning commission recommended approving the permit and it is anticipated that the Joint Planning Board will approve it next week. 
Clerk Cindy Messman expressed the need for a few more election judges. Interested parties would need to complete training.