Tuesday, December 31st, 2024 Church Directory

Rep. Jim Newberger

Now that fall is days away, I need to fill you in on a few happenings.
Palmer Days Parade. Our last parade of the season is coming this Sat., Sept. 12th. Palmer Days. Line up 11am in the field behind the township hall.  Start time is noon. We have not been  given a line up number yet.  We need a few folks to lend a hand and march with us. You can park at the line up spot.  We will shuttle folks back to their cars when we are done.  Shirts, water, etc will be provided. Please rsvp me asap if you can help out. This is a short, downhill and fun parade!
Local Republican Party meeting, (BPOU). Mon., Sept. 14th at KJ's Refuge in Orrock.  Social time 7pm. Start time 7:30 pm.  KJ's is at the intersection of Co Rd 4 and Co Rd 5 in Orrock. They have great hamburgers! Please join us. This is a great opportunity to get caught up on what's new in our district.
Minnesota House of Representatives Jobs and Energy Committee Hearing. This is a once-in-a-life-time event. The MN House is holding an official public hearing on the energy future for our state. In Becker ! We need to have many local folks on hand to show their support for our power plants. Please make  every attempt to attend this. It is vital that we have a good show of support. Mon, Sep. 21st  from  6 to 8p at the Becker Community Center, main room.
Becker Republicans Fall Picnic! Sun., Oct. 18 from 6 to 8pm at Becker City Park, 1 mile north of the golf course on Co Rd 23. Great food, fun games and fantastic speakers! Cost is $15 adults / kids under 12 are free.