Friday, January 10th, 2025 Church Directory

Quiet Night In Palmer

An annual report from the sheriff, election equipment costs, road projects and a water runoff projects were some of the items discussed during Monday’s Palmer Twp. Board meeting.
Water Runoff Project
Gary Anderson and Engineer for Washington County, James Landini  discussed with the board that the BLCA and SWCD are sharing a grant for a storm water runoff project at Cedar Point (trench drains).
A lengthy discussion ensued with the board and eventually they asked to get multiple quotes for the project.
The SWCD said they will provide a list of installers to the board at a future date.
Road Report
Bid results came in for 48th Street resurfacing. The board awarded Harddrives with the project in the amount of $28,935.54.
Election Equipment
The board reviewed a draft agreement for election equipment cost sharing.
No suggestions or changes were made to the proposed agreement.
Twp. Ordinances
The board reviewed township ordinances regarding defining violations and fees to be charged. 
It was determined most offenses would be considered a petty misdemeanor and could be managed with a ticket and fine without a court appearance.
Sheriff’s Annual Report
Sherburne County Sheriff Joel Brott gave his annual report on activity in Palmer Twp. in 2015.
He mentioned his department collected 991 total calls for the year for activity in Palmer Twp.
Up Next
The next Palmer Twp. Board meeting is April 11 at 7 p.m.