Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory
NO GAIN! Junior Montana Edling stuffed a running play by the seniors during the Powder Puff game last Friday.
WARPAINT! The BHS senior girls came to play last Friday, donning Bulldog Blue face paint as they engaged their bitter rivals from the junior class in the annual Powder Puff contest at Eppard Field, one of the newels in the Homecoming Week festivities at the school. Upholding tradition, the seniors won 14-7 in a hard-fought contest.
TO THE HOUSE! Junior running back Hailey Fitzpatrick blasted through the senior defenders on her way to the end zone last Friday afternoon during the Powder Puff match at Eppard Field. The seniors held on for a 14-7 victory in the annual melee.
GOOD GAME. The annual handshake was accomplished without major incident at the conclusion of the annual Powder Puff game at BHS last Friday, with both teams finishing the afternoon on their feet, for the most part.
ON STAGE. BHS student Celia Mix conducted a tour of the stage area at the new BHS performing arts center last Friday afternoon. The 900-plus seat auditorium features state-of-the-art computerized lighting and sound controls and a complete rope and pulley "fly" system for moving scenery and curtains on and off the stage.
A DIFFERENT LOOK. A view from the stage at the new BHS performing art center shows the rows of tiered seats performers will enjoy looking at in the future. The district conducted a Grand Opening of the theatre and the new swimming pool last Friday as part of the Homecoming Week festivities.
OPEN HOUSE. Supt. Dr,. Stephen Malone, center, and school board member Mark Swanson greeted guests at an open house at the new performing arts center and swimming pool facilities last Friday afternoon, part of the Homecoming Week festivities on the campus.
AQUATICS. The new lap pool and diving facility were on display last Friday during an open house at Becker High School that showcased the new aquatic facility and the performing arts center as part of the Homecoming Week festivities. .

'Powder Puff' A Homecoming Highlight

While the annual Powder Puff game at Becker High School has in recent years been played in rain, sleet, snow and bitingly-cold winds, the 2014 version last Friday afternoon was blessed with the finest fall day Mother Nature could possibly have provided.
The contest between the senior and junior girls is one of the jewels in the crown of the Homecoming Week festivities on campus every year, and the bright sunshine and warm temperatures at Eppard Field made the contest a delight for spectators and players alike.
BHS Asst. Principal Mark Kolbinger again provided the play-by-play and commentary for the contest, often comparing the play of team members on both squads to the gridiron exploits of their fathers, and seldom in a complimentary fashion to those Bulldogs of yore.  BHS teachers Steve Hill and Jason Ihrke bravely donned the zebra stripes to try and maintain some semblance of control over the contest, and each side was assisted by male student coaches, most of who would later play in the Bulldogs victory in the Homecoming game on that same field later in the evening.
The first half was notable for the high number of completed passes by both teams, and the genteel manner in which fumbles were contested, with nary a bloody nose or swollen eye to be seen on the sidelines this year.
The senior juggernaut was apparently too much for the juniors during the first period of play, with both Lindsey Lorette and Katie Pursley managing to find the end zone while carrying the ball, leading to a half-time lead of 14-0 for their squad.
The juniors rallied in the second period, however, managing to move the ball up and down the field with some regularity.  As time ran out, junior running back Hailey Fitzpatrick rocketed through the defenders on a sweep around the right side of the senior line and swept into the end zone untouched, salvaging her team’s honor with seven welcome points.
The traditional team handshake at the end of the game went without visible incident, though some of the chants seemed somewhat less than complimentary, though a spirit of friendly competition seemed to be the order of the day, at least in the hearing of the press corps.
Open House
Immediately after the Powder Puff contest had concluded, spectators were invited to take part in the open house that showcased the new performing arts center and aquatic facilities recently completed at BHS.
Supt. Dr. Stephen Malone, staff and student volunteers guided attendees around the new facilities, including a backstage tour of the new auditorium.  Highlights included a look at the state-of-the-art computerized lighting and sound system controls housed in an enclosed area at the back of the auditorium, and the full rope-and-counterweight “fly” system that will allow curtains, scenery and props to be “flown” on and off the stage during performances and presentations.  Guides commented that a number of inquiries have already been received by the district from groups and organizations hoping to make use of the facility for various presentations.
The tour also included a look at the new diving and lap pools in the aquatic facility that recently hosted the first Becker home swim meet in a generation.  The area includes twin diving boards and a competition-worthy lane-marked pool suitable for any conference competition.