Requests for comments on a proposed solar farms packet and a new shoreline ordinance from the relevant Sherburne County agencies, acceptance of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) annual report and action on membership in the Sherburne County Joint Powers Agreement were among the items on the agenda at the regular meeting of the Haven Township Board Monday night.
MS4 Report
Engineer Jon Bogart presented a draft of the MS4 annual report, which will be submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency after approval by the Haven board, which was approved after the presentation.
Bogart described a list of 28 specific items on which the township must address in the annual report, some of which have been acted on and some which have not, as yet, for a variety of reasons. A number of those requirements will not be acted upon immediately, Bogart said, as the township awaits the development of a response by Sherburne County to some of these requirements.
It is in the township’s interest to do so, Bogart said, since completing the required tests and other work carry a high cost. Waiting for the county response and making sure that the township is not in effect doing the same work twice is the plan for going forward. These also include mapping of stormwater and other water sources, public hearings, regulatory enforcement and procedures.
The board unanimously approved the draft report following the presentation.
Requests for Comment
Following a short discussion, the board unanimously approved signing and passing on a positive comment in regard to a solar farm packet that had been provided by Sherburne County.
The board then voted unanimously to send a negative comment to the Sherburne County Zoning Office in regard to a proposed amendment to the county zoning ordinance that would all for a “higher density of development which is allowed under the State Shoreland Rules.” The amendment would also allow smaller lot sizes than are currently allowed under state rules, according to the description provided.
The amendment would also allow the establishment of businesses on such lots, such as bed-and-breakfast establishments, and allow temporary (trailer) accommodations, and raises questions on subdivision of the current 40,000 sq. ft. lots into even smaller ones.
Environmental activist Jane Korte later addressed the board to voice her opposition to the measure. Chairman Jeff Schlingmann said that her objections would be brought to the county planning committee if she could provide them.
Other Business
The board approved maintaining membership in the county joint powers agreement.
The sheriff’s report indicated 68 calls for service in the township in May, with 19 traffic stops and one case of trespassing reported.