Thursday, January 9th, 2025 Church Directory
Andrew Schmidt

Pks Awareness Event To Be Held In Big Lake

Lupulin Brewing of Big Lake and PKS Kids announce a “Night of Education, Awareness and Support” to take place at Lupulin Brewing, Fri., Dec. 4, from 5-10 p.m.
The event that Friday is part of the celebration of the 5th annual, officially-recognized PKS Day in the state of Minnesota (proclaimed by Gov. Mark Dayton).  
PKS (Pallister-Killian Syndrome) is a chromosome abnormality when a tetrasomy (four copies) of the short arm of chromosome 12 (12p) occurs for no known reason.  Many of the afflicted kids have global involvement that result in severe, profound developmental delay, deaf blindness, seizures, low muscle tone and much more.
Andrew Schmidt of Becker suffers from PKS and was not diagnosed until the age of five and had three chromosome studies that proved negative. This syndrome is a mosaic meaning it is not in every cell and makes PKS difficult to diagnose.  
The Schmidts — along with supporters, friends and other afflicted families want to educate, make aware and seek support for the kids and families affected by PKS at the celebration in December.  It is through awareness they believe they can make a difference in the daily lives of these families.  By providing the correct medical, educational and community support, these kids can thrive and have a beautiful, meaningful and purposeful life like Andrew Schmidt of Becker does.
Throughout the evening of the celebration, guests are invited  to enjoy live music provided by Joe Perry from Becker, participate in the 50/50 raffle and trivia or sponsor a PKS child to have Christmas jammies. One can also donate a special present through their Giving Tree — all the while enjoying Lupulin’s finest beer. 
Lupulin Brewing is a 10-barrel craft brewery and taproom located in Big Lake and their  brewing philosophy is to create rich, full flavored beers with particular focus on hop forward and Belgian styles.  Lupulin Brewing is located on Hwy. 10 in downtown Big Lake and can be found at their website at: or on their Facebook page at:
For more information on the event, contact Nicole Schmidt at 763-482-9284 or at Or contact Jeff Zierdt at Lupulin Brewing at 763-263-9549 or at