Saturday, March 8th, 2025 Church Directory
WALT MUNSTERMAN gave a report on the water quality in the local lakes during the Palmer Township regular meeting. (Photo by Katherine Cantin.)

Palmer Twp. Hears About Water Quality at Briggs Lake Chain

During the February Palmer Town Board meeting, Walt Munsterman of the Lakes Association gave the water quality report. The water in each of the lakes in the Briggs Lake chain is tested every two weeks May-October. The test measures phosphorus, Chlorophyll A, and water depth levels. 

This year, the overall phosphorus level went down. It had previously spiked in 2023 after flooding incidents. Large amounts of phosphorus were introduced into the lake due to runoff. Meanwhile, the depth of the lake was also down to more normal levels this year, down about 6-8 inches from 2023 when the flooding occurred. Strangely, chlorophyll A levels increased, except for in Lake Julia where they went down. Normally, Chlorophyll A would decrease when the amount of phosphorus decreases. This could be due to the very mild winter in 2024, which may have allowed plant life in the lakes to continue to grow through the winter instead of dying off. 

These studies have been performed since 2006. Looking at the levels over time, the chain saw a period of improved water quality in the years leading up to COVID-19. Munsterman suggested the reason for the decrease in quality after 2020 was due to more people using the lake for recreation during the pandemic, which can stir up the bottom of the lake and release settled phosphorus back into the water. Carp also tend to tear up the bottom of the lake, and the high volume of carp does not help the issue. 

Finally, Munsterman noted that back in 2006, many of the homes around the lakes were summer homes, with their septic systems only being used during summer months. Now most of the homes are year-round homes, and the septic is used for a much longer period, although most of the homes have been updated with proper septic that will not impact the lakes. 

The Lakes Association will have Carp Solutions come and make a public presentation at Palmer Town Hall on April 12 at 10 a.m.

Sheriff’s Report

The sheriff’s office representative noted there were two reported scams in the last month, one over phone call and one through text messaging. He also reported some vandalism, as a resident had a car window smashed in, though they reported nothing missing from the vehicle.


The supervisors agreed that plowing has been going well so far this season. They have been sending plow trucks out as soon as possible to minimize packing, although some is always inevitable. 

Supervisor Ganz noted that usually townships, cities, and counties do not allow other organizations to post signs on their signposts. For example, a local organization could not add a sign to the post of a government stop sign. However, Palmer does allow the local snow mobile trail association to post some signs on their posts in the interest of keeping the right of way clutter-free. There are three instances of this around the township, and the trail organization asked permission for each sign. Ganz said any organization wishing to add signage to a Palmer Twp. post must similarly ask permission of the board. 


The Palmer Clean-Up day was rescheduled and will now take place on May 3rd (formerly May 17th). This is the only Saturday in May that the Elk River Landfill would be open to haulers. In the past, the township has paid a service provider to take the collected trash to their location, then pay them again to deliver it to the landfill on the next weekday. Being able to take it directly to the landfill will save money for the township. 

Park Reports

Supervisor Ganz mentioned there was once again vandalism at the park. The outhouse was tipped over, the little library was broken, and the benches were tipped over. The cost to fix these things was not expensive and they are taken care of now. Ganz believes it’s two kids performing these acts of vandalism, based on the bootprints in the snow. The board decided to attach the porta potty to a pole to make it harder to tip in the future. 

The board scheduled surfacing of the pickleball court for late May, early June at a cost of $16,000. 

Ice Day Report

The attendance for Ice Day was down from last year but similar to what it was two years ago, around 250-300 people. The free event went well and the attendees enjoyed their prizes. 

Accessory Dwelling Units

The county is considering a change to the accessory dwelling units ordinance. They wish to change it so county landowners may build multiple homes on their property. The intent is to help solve some housing issues, especially for senior residents. The public is welcome to contribute their thoughts on the matter, and more information is available at the Palmer Township website. 


The town board is proposing to change up how the town funds are held in order to maximize interest. They wish to keep around $600,000 of township money in a CD. The plan will be presented again at the regular March meeting on May 10, and they will ask the citizens of the township for their vote on the matter the following day at the annual meeting. 

In Other Business, the Board: 

• Gave positive comments towards a summer home project for the Hamm family which includes several variances and a conditional use permit;

• Noted the township is considering purchasing a water logger which would track the height of the water during “no wake” events;

• Said they would be selling some items cleaned out from the back room of the town hall, and will accept sealed bids for the items;

• Noted they will be updating the floodways recorded with the county after a known floodway was allowed to be filled in since it wasn’t properly recorded.