Monday, September 9th, 2024 Church Directory
Sherburne County Planner Addison Otto helped lead the presentation about the county’s efforts in planning and zoning in an update to the Palmer Township Board on Monday evening (Patriot Photo by Mark Kolbinger).

Palmer Board hears zoning update

The Palmer Township Board met Monday evening and a presentation from Sherburne County’s Planning and Zoning staff highlighted the lengthy agenda.

Planner Addison Otto, Solid Waste Administrator Dave Lucas and Economic Development Coordinator Jessica Barthel each took turns addressing the board and members of the public regarding issues pertinent to their department’s current efforts.

The presentation started with some Palmer specific statistics, including four new home permits issued so far in 2023, as well as eight shoreline and 21 septic permits.  Currently in the township there are four active zoning violation cases, and seven more solid waste violation investigations underway.

The trio spoke about the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use plan, which came as a result of over 40 stakeholder meetings.  Now that the plan is adopted, the process of writing new ordinances will commence.

Possible areas to be covered in the new county ordinances will include permitting for short-term rentals such as Air BnB’s, and additional septic system monitoring.

Additional priorities in the upcoming months will include an online permitting system, as well as continued progress on the EDA’s strategic plan to include areas such as business retention and expansion, housing and broadband.

Barthel did note that Sherburne is now in the top 10 of Minnesota counties in terms of broadband coverage.

Lucas spoke of the efforts in reducing organic solid waste, as currently 30% of household garbage falls under the organic category.  He also noted that since Great River Energy’s closure of the refuse-burning plant in 2019, the amount of municipal solid waste being landfilled annually in Elk River has more than doubled, from 221,454 tons to over 427,143 tons.

Big Elk Park

Supervisor Steve Demeules updated the board on the new park on Elk Lake, which has officially been named Two Inlets at Bdè Hehàka - Omashkooz Zaaga’igaans Regional Park.

The name combines the Upper/Lower Sioux and Ojibwe names for “lake” and “elk” and also references the two waterways that flow into the lake.

Demeules noted that the phase one trails will soon be mowed, and Legacy funding was applied for from the State of MN.

So far, the building deconstruction on-site has yielded the removal of 29, 40-yard dumpsters in solid waste, as well as 65,000 pounds of scrap metal recycling material.

Public Safety

Commander Ben Zawacki of the SCSO reported on this year’s 79 calls for service, compared to 81 during the same period a year ago.

He noted a county-wide recent trend of school bus stop-arm violations and implored vehicle operators to drive with more care to avoid the dangerous situation.

CLFD Chief Ron Koren reported on his department’s 15 calls for October, including six in Palmer Township (four medicals).

In other business, the board:

• Approved payment for the 107th and 115th road projects, totaling over $360,000;

• Heard that the county will be taking over snowplowing efforts on 104th, the new entry to the aforementioned park;

• Approved payment for their portion of the 67th street project;

• Discussed the speed limits around the lakes, which are 25 MPH due to previous speed studies performed several years ago;

• Agreed to move forward with the exploration of a MN DNR grant for the installation of some culverts;

• Heard from the Park Committee about the installation of the disc golf baskets and a projected timeline for completion before the ground freezes;

• Informed the public that the ARPA fund has been exhausted, while noting all of the good local projects that had been accomplished;

• Heard from resident Paul Braun about his concerns regarding the condition of 98th avenue, which suffers from severe washboarding, and pledged to check into more frequent grading and other solutions.