Thursday, March 6th, 2025 Church Directory
BMS Principal Nancy Helmer Weiss

Open House And Orientation At Becker Middle School

Becker Middle School is gearing up for the coming year as staff prepares to start the 15th year in the current building, according to Principal Nancy Helmer Weiss.  The new school year will begin with some changes to the open house and orientation format. 
On Tue., Sept. 8th, an “Open House and Orientation Day” for all students in grades 6-8 and their families will take place. Open house for 6th and 7th grade students will be held from 10:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. where families will be able to take care of a number of “back to school” tasks including an advisor conference. Parents of students entering sixth or seventh grade may sign up for a conference with their child’s advisor via the Skyward® family access portal or by calling the middle school between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on weekdays.   
Eighth-grade orientation for students and parents will be  11:30 am to 7:30 pm.  Parents can sign up for an orientation session on the school website or by contacting the school office at 763-261-6333.  
Families should allow approximately 90 minutes to complete the open house/orientation process.  During this time, students & parents will: Conference with teachers (6th & 7th grade parents/students); attend an orientation session (8th grade parents/students); finalize the iPad registration process (must have Apple® I.D. for this); have school picture taken by Lifetouch®; bring in school supplies & obtain locker assignment; obtain class schedules; purchase gym uniform(s); take care of other business such as emergency forms, lunch accounts, busing information, receive music information, turn in immunization forms [seventh grade only], register for fall activities and take a tour of the building and facilities.
Additional information about back to school events is available on the district web site.  Families are encouraged to update contact information and addresses, complete iPad registration, pay for school lunches, and sign up for activities through the website before Tue., Sept. 8th.  It is also helpful if parents drop off or send 7th grade immunization records to the middle school prior to that date, Weiss said.  Completing some of these steps in advance will also help minimize waiting in line at open house.
Regular classes will begin on Wed., Sept. 9 for all Becker Middle School students.