The open forum portion of Monday’s Clear Lake City Council meeting drew a sizable crowd of residents seeking answers on several topics.
Residents from the Hunter Lake Bluffs phase two development had questions about the Homeowner’s Association (HOA), as they were recently charged $7,000 by the developer (who still controls the HOA) for moving the equipment from the old park location to the new spot. The city reassured the residents that while their employees and Mayor Tim Goenner volunteered to help with the move (the pavilion), they did not collect any portion of the $7,000.
Goenner went on to explain future plans for development of the park and outlined a timeline for when some of the work might occur.
Fill material is needed, along with leveling and the establishment of a well to water the turf.
Council Member Stefany Janish noted that money for the new equipment at the park won’t be available until phase four of the development is built, which could be several years away.
Several residents asked about volunteering to help expedite the park development and council voiced approval to the idea.
Discussion was also has about the HOA status, as the phase one residents had dissolved their association in the recent past. One resident explained that the current bylaws state that the phase two HOA cannot be dissolved until 50% of phase four is built; therefore, the residents will need to work within the confines of the current agreement for the foreseeable future.
A final discussion item was the brown water that is still showing up in certain parts of the development. The problem has yet to be fully identified, but staff continues to pursue a solution.
In Other Business, the Council:
• Heard from Sgt. Kevin Grams about last month’s 60 calls for service, which included 13 traffic stops for illegally turning right off Hwy. 10 onto Hwy. 24 on a red light;
• Approved the grant received by the Clear Lake Fire Dept. in the amount of $194,000 for new SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) equipment;
• Approved up to three hours of training for the City Clerk on the Banyan accounting software;
• Approved the job description for the Public Works Director position;
• Approved the five year lease for the postage machine;
• Reminded the public that November’s meeting has been moved to October 29 at 7 p.m.