Saturday, September 7th, 2024 Church Directory
RE-ELECTED. Supervisor Richard Larson visited with resident Maureen Havert after the Palmer Township annual meeting Tuesday night. Larson was re-elected to a three-year term, receiving 85 votes in the township election.
SEAT OF POWER. Moderator Kathy Gerdts-Senger, center, enjoyed a moment with Assistant Clerk Tammy Schefers and Clerk Mike Zniewski before the start of the Haven Township annual meeting Tuesday night. Gerdts-Senger, who appears each year on behalf of the Stickney Library, was drafted to the post by the voters in attendance.
THEY'RE BACK! Santiago Township Board Chairman Stuart Nelson and Clerk Kathy Woolard both won re-election to their respective offices in the Tuesday election. Nelson received 18 votes and Woolard received 20 from the 22 ballots cast. Both had run unopposed.

No Drama At Township Annual Meetings

There was very little drama unfolding at the annual meetings in Haven, Palmer and Santiago townships Tuesday evening, with uncontested elections and budgets staying in line with the previous year totals being the order of the day.

Haven Township
Haven Township began their festivities at 7 p.m.  Tuesday, which they can easily do since they have moved their township elections to November, in line with the state and local elections.
Kathy Gerdts-Senger was elected by acclamation as the 2014 moderator as the meeting got underway.  An art teacher at Clearview Elementary School, Gerdts-Senger is a regular attendee at the Haven Annual Meeting, where she presents the request for a remittance from the township to benefit the Stickney Crossing library in Clearwater.  She said afterwards that she was surprised to be have been drafted as the session moderator, though she did enjoy her time in the “seat of power.”
The voters approved the $370,000 levy proposed by Treasurer Randy Linn, which includes revenue of $55,000, $270,000 for the road and bridge fund and $45,000 for fire contract.  Those totals are unchanged from the previous year.  Haven Chairman Jeff Schlingmann commented that the township has managed to retain the lowest tax levy in Sherburne County.
Discussion from the floor on the Sherwood West project included questions from several residents regarding the disbursement of the $213,000 the township was able to set aside for the project.  The project has not been put out on bids because a number of residents with property in the construction zone have not signed the easement the township says it needs to have in hand before bids can be entertained.  Several residents said that the MnDNR and the Sherburne County SWCD could assist with funding advice and revisions to the current plans to accommodate the wishes of the property owners.
Schlingmann asked that a spokesman for the group attend the Monday (March 17) regular Haven board meeting to explore the matter further.  Residents also expressed concerns that the funds set aside for the project would be shifted to another site if the road project cannot go forward. The board meets at 7 p.m. in the town hall on the third Monday of the month.
The annual meeting heard a report on new responsibilities the township will inherit from new regulations regarding townships’ Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit under the federal Clean Water Act as monitored by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.  Schlingmann said  the township will bear the cost of a variety of tests and other program elements going forward, including legal and engineering expenses that may reach $30,000.
The meeting also approved a $500 remittance for the Sherburne Historical Society and a $1,500 remittance for the Clearwater Great River Regional Library (Stickney Crossing).  Voters also elected to keep the gopher bounty at the existing $2 per pair of feet.
In the fire report, Supervisor Kathy Sims-Kosloski said the new fire contract reflects a .58 percent increase” in cost to the township, but it also includes a reduction in cost for many township residents because the Sauk Rapids Fire Dept. now has an insurance rating of four. Individual residents should contact their insurance provider to see how the fire rating will affect their personal policies, she said.
Vice-Chairman Mark Knowles reported the township has no immediate major projects in the planning stage past the proposed Sherwood West roadwork for this year.  He also said  the cost of snow plowing will reflect the hard winter the township has experienced, with $60,000 expended so far this season.
Haven Township Clean-Up Day is set for Sat., May 17 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Haven Township Hall.
The 2015 Haven annual meeting will take place on Tue., Mar. 10, beginning at 7 p.m.
Palmer Township
Alan Peterson was elected as the moderator for the 2014 Palmer Township annual meeting Tuesday night. 
Palmer Township voters approved a $441,376 levy payable in 2015, which reflects a zero percent increase over the 2014 levy.  Proposals for a zero, two and three per cent increase were presented during the meeting. 
Questions from the floor included a discussion of the new fire truck purchased for the fire hall. Treasurer Roger Johnson said the township had applied for a grant for a replacement truck, but the effort was unsuccessful.  That resulted in the township paying $100,000 down and entering into a seven-year financing agreement for the vehicle.  He stated the timing of the purchase resulted in the best price possible for the truck, and the truck had to be replaced at that time. The new fire contract total is $226,658, with Palmer paying $112,567.
Johnson also reported  the township may call for the early repayment of outstanding bonds next year if the financial situation makes it feasible.  An early call of bonds this year resulted in a savings of $49,000 in interest payments.
Voters elected to retain the gopher bounty at $2 per pair of feet.  Supervisor Richard Larson reported that the program had cost the township $1,060 last year.
The voters approved a remittance of $700 to the Great River Regional Library in Clearwater, and a further $500 to the Sherburne History Center.
In the township election, Supervisor Larson was re-elected for a three-year term with 85 votes. 
Voters elected Chairman Stuart Nelson as moderator at the 2014 Santiago Township annual meeting Tuesday night.
Voters approved a 2015 levy of $302,500 at the annual meeting, which is in line with the 2014 total with the exception of an additional $2.500 budget for the park fund, according to Treasurer Jeff Anderson.  
The levy includes $77,500 for the general fund, $145,000 for the road and bridge fund, $75,000 for fire protection and $5,000 for the park fund.  A remittance of $1,500 was also approved by the voters for the BFD Fire Relief Fund.
In the township election, Nelson received 18 votes and Clerk Kathy Woolard received 20 votes.  
Both ran unopposed.