Friday, March 14th, 2025 Church Directory

Newberger Awaits Health Rate Increase

Rep. Jim Newberger, R-Becker, issued the following statement following the release of the health insurance premium rates for the 2014-2015 open enrollment period. The Department of Commerce announced Wednesday that rates would increase for a majority of consumers on MNsure in all parts of the state, many by double-digit percentages. The lowest-cost option for many men and women using Minnesota's Obamacare exchange is set to increase by more than 20% next year alone.
"News that Minnesotans will be paying more for insurance through MNsure next year is just the latest in a string of broken promises and failures by Minnesota's version of Obamacare," Newberger said. "President Obama promised $2,500 in savings per family, per year.
Democrats repeatedly promised that if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
Instead, 140,000 Minnesotans were forced to pay more or find new plans. Families had to leave their doctors or pay more to keep the doctor they liked. $160 million taxpayer dollars were spent to build this website, and it still isn't able to process life-event changes, putting families with newborn babies at risk. Minnesotans deserve better than this. "
Since the implementation of Obamacare began last year, insurance premium costs are rising faster than ever. According to the Commonwealth Fund, individual market insurance premiums from 2003-2010 rose a total of 35% in Minnesota. In the first full year of Obamacare in Minnesota, the same rates rose 47% for Minnesotans according to the Manhattan Institute. For 2014-2015, one of the largest insurers remaining on MNsure will see a 17 percent average increase for 2015, translating to higher costs for thousands of Minnesotans.