Saturday, February 1st, 2025 Church Directory

New Playground At Palmer Park

By Susana Kuehne
Palmer Township is proud of its new playground installation at Palmer Park. After deciding the project was a great opportunity for the Clear Lake Lions to serve in a community where its members all live and work, the club financed the build for a renovated play area.
In October of 2016, the old playground equipment which formerly sat on these grounds began to be cleared in order to prepare space for new items. The structures for the smaller kids were built in 2017, while the larger parts of the playground were completed just recently in May.
“The response to this new addition has been very positive. I've heard from a lot of happy moms, to say the least,” commented Clint Schendzielos, President of the Clear Lake Lions Club and life-long resident of Palmer.
“There had been talk for a number of years prior that the park really needed to get some updated equipment. The Lions were glad to help out.”
Every once in a while Harry Ernzer (a Palmer Park representative) approaches the Lions with something that is needed at the park, and the Lions have donated funds for many things over the years. Supposedly, the idea for a new playground sprouted from a conversation between Harry and Norm Ashfeld, a Lions member. The idea was later presented at a Lions Club business meeting and enthusiastically approved.
The design of the beautiful playground was a joint effort between Township officials and Lions Club members. Both groups met on site one afternoon and developed a plan.
The day of install was scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend. The weather was hot and muggy, which made the Lions skeptical that they would be able to have the large set of equipment installed by Sunday evening. However, an impressive number of volunteers show up to help, and the project was completed earlier than expected, on Saturday evening! The Lion's motto is "We Serve", and they manifested this sentiment throughout the duration of the playground project.
"This is awesome. I saw them put the playground in last week, and I thought this is great. More families will make it out here now because of all the neat stuff they added," said Brenda Holmgren, resident of Palmer. She takes her granddaughters often. 
The area for bigger kids is more adventurous with higher steps and slides and a suspended walking path. There is even a piano wall which plays real notes. 
Between the toddler set last year and the ‘older kid’ set this year, it cost about $60,000 to bring this playground to Palmer, but Clint says he knows many will enjoy it, just like he enjoyed the old playground when he was a kid.