Friday, January 10th, 2025 Church Directory
BALL PARK. New Santiago Lion's Club President Mike Rogers described a "five-year plan" the club is working on for continuing improvements for the town park when he addressed the Santiago Town Board meeting Wednesday night.

New Park Plans On Santiago Agenda

A decision to seek a new round of bids for a road project on 62nd st., a discussion with the new Santiago Lion’s Club president on future plans for the town park and a decision to refrain from comment on solar farms requested by Sherburne County were among the items on the agenda at the regular meeting of the Santiago Town Board Wednesday night.
Road Bids
Supervisor Dave Jehoich informed the board three bids had been received from contractors in regard to a proposed construction project on 62nd st.  He also said certain conditions in regard to the project have changed, and he suggested that the board seek new bids on the project to reflect these changes, which include elements of the preparation work now to be done by township contractor John Herbst and a drop in the price of oil which will impact the final cost in the township’s favor.  The new quotes are expected to be ready in time for the July regular board meeting.
Jehoice also reported a joint-maintenance project with Palmer Township for crack sealing on 67th St. will cost the township $2245.62, which is one-half of the $4491.24 bid accepted for the work by Palmer Township.
In the zoning report, Jehoice informed the board that Xcel Energy is running a natural gas pipeline under the Mississippi River to St. Augusta, which will be located 15 feet below the river bed.  He also said the Verizon Wireless® tower application will be granted when debris on the location property is cleaned up.
Lion’s Club
New Santiago Lion’s President Mike Rogers attended the Wednesday board meeting, where he shared some of the future plans for the Santiago ball field the organization is considering.  Rogers said the group is forming a “five-year plan” of continuous improvements at the facility, which will include renovations to the playground area and a new pavilion located on the lot which contains ball field #2.
The program also includes an increase in charitable gambling donations to the park from the club, and a proposed partnership with Palmer Township regarding the baseball programs.  Santiago has a lighted ball field, Rogers said, that would allow late games in the program, and the Palmer ball program is much more well established than the effort in Santiago at the moment, so a partnership would benefit both communities.
Rogers also said a memorial is in the planning stages for the late Phyllis (Tootsie) George, a much-respected Lion’s Club member and baseball enthusiast in Santiago and beyond.  A memorial tree or a bench with a plaque at the ball field are items under consideration.
Chairman Stuart Nelson thanked the club for their continuing efforts and for their plan to improve communication with the town board regarding events and projects at the park.
Solar Energy
Following a brief discussion, the board voted to sign without comment a form sent by Sherburne County seeking township input on proposed solar farms in the county.  
Nelson said that the projects have no direct effect on Santiago Township, and he suggested the board not voice an opinion at present.
Other Business
The sheriff’s report listed 45 calls for service in the township in May, including 12 traffic stops and two arrests for DWI.  With a stolen boat motor and other reported thefts, the deputy advised residents to be watchful of their property as summer begins.
Building Caretaker Matt Weber had earlier informed the board new carpeting would be installed soon in the town hall facility.