Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory
PER USUAL, LYNDEN TWP. HALL was packed with residents for the annual meeting. (Photo by Penny Leuthard)

Lynden Twp. sees levy increase

During their annual meeting, Lynden Twp.’s town hall was packed with residents wanting their voices to be heard on how the township will be run for the next year.

Anne Ackerman was nominated as moderator for the meeting. A retired long-term supervisor herself, Ackerman urged residents to step up and become involved in the township, stating the township was still looking for a deputy treasurer and that no one had filed for the open supervisor position. The position was open due to the retirement of Supervisor Dennis Niemi.

After votes were tabulated, Jenny Schmidt was re-elected town clerk and Jaime Schultz-Ludenia was elected as the new township supervisor in a narrow write-in victory. 

Levy Proposal

Supervisor Tom Plaggerman presented three 2025 levy proposals to attendees. The first was $677,436, a 2.9% increase over last year that would cover the township’s regular expenses.

He then presented the second option of $1,001,436, a 52.1% increase. He explained this option allows the township to move forward with its five-year road plan as well as create a tarring fund that would be specifically for tar road projects. The township had once approved this fund but had never acted upon it.

The third option was $1,066,436, a 62% increase over last year. This option would cover the five-year road plan, create the tarring fund, and also build a $325,000 reserve in the tarring fund over the next five years.

After discussion, a compromise of $900,000 was proposed and approved, a nearly 33% increase over last year.

Road Report

Supervisor Dennis Niemi provided the township road report, explaining the LRIP grant he applied for and introducing Hakanson Anderson as the new township engineering firm and the five-year road plan they put together for the township. The road plan is expected to be ongoing; once a road project has been completed another will be added.

Fire Dept.

The Annandale Fire Dept. reported 269 in total calls for 2023, 17 of which were in Lynden Twp., which comprised 16 medical and one accident with injuries involving an extraction.

The fire chief reported that while their station and equipment were in good working order, they were looking to replace some of their older trucks in the near future. The department puts money into a fund each year for upcoming purchases. Their proposed 2025 levy was $14,196, a 6% increase from last year.

The Clearwater Fire Dept. was unable to attend the meeting. Their portion of the 2025 levy was $98,240, a 3% increase from last year.

Other Business

Previous supervisor Dave Johnson inquired about the status of the dry hydrant and a grant that he had been working on during his last year on the board; updates were unable to be provided during the meeting.

Ackerman suggested the township consider hiring someone to write grants as there are many available, some of which never get applied for.

The meeting concluded with Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson being honored for their years serving the township.