Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 Church Directory
SUPERVISOR KYLE JOHNSON (L) presented an acrylic statue to Phyllis Olson, the wife of Lester Olson who served the township for over 44 years.

Long Serving Township Colleagues Honored

Three public servants were recognized for their years of service at Monday’s Becker Twp. meeting. 

One award was given posthumously, one to an attendee present and the other to an honoree who was unable to be present because of an illness.
Acrylic statues with their name and years of service were presented. 
Lester Olson’s widow, Phyllis, was presented the award surrounded by her children and grandchildren. Lester - who served the township for over 44 years - died a year ago last November.
“The thing I think of when I think of Lester Olson is he not only cared about the township, but he cared about the people in the township,” said current Supervisor Kyle Johnson.
Also receiving recognition for his service was longtime supervisor Howard Johnson, who served 27 years and now has his son, Jamie, serving in his place as an alternate.
“Howard has served since 1985 and he has served us well,” said Chairman Gary Hammer. “Thanks for all you’ve done for the township.”
Long-time Clerk Judy Shermak was also acclaimed, though she was unable to attend the festivities due to an illness.
Current Clerk Cindy Messman praised Shermak for the many years she served.
“Judy helped a lot of clerks at other townships,” she said. “As a matter of fact, she would train in a lot of them because there is no manual on learning to be a clerk.”
Engineer’s Report
Engineer Terrance VanderEyk said he just received the public waters permit and is in the process of making arrangements to have the culvert pipes delivered to the contractor to begin the replacement project along 185th Ave. SE.
The current culvert that extends over the Snake River is deemed compromised and is in need of being fixed immediately since water is going around the culvert, meaning something is broken but cannot be seen. Because the river once held trout, the DNR has stepped in and made requests to help increase the velocity to accommodate the possible re-stocking of the fish in the area.
Originally, the DNR insisted on two eight-foot barrels for the culverts but Eyk recommends two five-foot pipes be installed under the road.
Eyk also contacted the county to ensure there will be proper signage posted to indicate detours for the three-to-four day project slated to begin after the first of the year.
Chairman Hammer said he was a little “miffed” at the fact Sen. Dave Brown had sent a letter to the township strongly suggesting the township consider straightening 185th Ave. SE, just north of 62nd St. SE. since repairs to the road are occurring. Hammer said there are costs to consider and other discussion on reparations to the road haven’t even commenced.
Eyk also mentioned to the board that a permit has been issued for the installation of a new entrance to a plat of land along 149th Ave. The current property owner holds two parcels with just one entrance and is in need of adding a second one.
Eyk said the project has begun and will be fully completed by the spring when contractors can get in and add aprons.
Transportation Funding
Clerk Messman asked the board to consider passing a resolution supporting the Minnesota Association of Townships transportation funding for future projects. Chairman Hammer asked Rep. Jim Newberger (who stopped by for a visit) if he thought it was a good idea to throw their support for this funding and Newberger said yes — as long as the funding they are looking for is for infrastructure including roads, water and other projects of the sort.
“That transportation bill will be coming up as a bonding bill in the next legislation session,” said Newberger. “I’d support it as long as it is for infrastructure but we won’t know until it is introduced.”
Planning Commission
Kelli Neu said the PC denied the IUP request from  Chris Gustafson to install a permanent sign at the corner of his business at 14747 165th Ave. Gustafson wanted the sign help increase sales and he also asked to modify the parking area to accommodate more vehicles.
The IUP was rejected since Gustafson’s property was not up to compliance.
Supervisor Attendance
While Kyle Johnson and Mark Limpert were away from Becker for most of last spring and summer, the township board swore-in two alternates (Jamie Johnson and Joe Danielson) to sit in for the absent supervisors while away. Messman said since Kyle and Mark are back, they needed to be re-instated.
At the close of Monday’s meeting, Kyle Johnson said he will again be away from the area over the next several months and Jamie Johnson was restored to Kyle’s seat and he and Chairman Hammer’s seats will be up for election this coming March.