Friday, April 19th, 2024 Church Directory
CURRENT AND FORMER PASTORS CONGREGATE. Former pastor Dennis Larson (1977-1997), former pastor Mike Pancoast (2013-2017) are pictured with South Santiago pastor Daryl Thul. Thul preached for the last time at South Santiago Lutheran during the anniversary celebration last weekend. (Photo by Mary Nehring.)
CHURCH BASEMENT LADIES. The kitchen crew for the smorgasbord at South Santiago Lutheran celebration last Sunday. (Photo by Mary Nehring.)

Local church congregates to celebrate 140 years

South Santiago Lutheran Church celebrated 140 years last weekend. 20 years ago, the church was rebuilt after arson destroyed the previous church. Over 220 former and current members joined in the celebration. A history lesson on the origins of the church was shared by Walt Munsterman after the worship service and the Ladies Aid put on an amazing spread of food including grilled hamburgers and a plethora of salads and desserts. People enjoyed taking a trip down memory lane and visiting during the Lutheran smorgasbord.