Monday, March 31st, 2025 Church Directory
Child care VENDORS included (left to right): Alyssa Braaten, Nicole Schmitz, Jenn Shaw, Jessica Gilder, Stephanie Sanvig, Amy Chimielewski, and Mitchell Fennell. (Patriot photo by Don Bellach)
Child care providers talk to vendors during last week’s child care gathering. (Patriot photo by Don Bellach)

Local child care providers celebrated

Child care providers and a group of vendors and consultants who focus on child care gathered on Sat., Feb. 2, 2025 at Starz Dance Studios in Becker.  

Providers received training from Milestones, a Waite Park company whose goal is to provide the early childhood community with the tools necessary for success.  The training was about finding joy and happiness when feeling tired and stressed, as well as how to reflect on those things that bring joy and happiness.  

Participants learned about the differences between burnout and compassion fatigue, how to talk about ways to be mindful throughout the day, and to develop ways to provide self-compassion while taking time to laugh.  The event also provided an opportunity for providers to get out of their silos and visit with other adults in the industry to both celebrate and learn from each other. 


Stephanie Sanvig, Business Development Specialist at First Children’s Finance, explained that the event fulfills one of the goals of the RCCIP (Rural Child Care Innovation Program) action plan that was adopted by the city of Becker in Oct. of 2024 - to provide events to increase awareness of child care resources and provide access to relevant training that would be open to existing child care providers and those interested in starting a child care business.  Sanvig explained that events like the one held on Saturday help child care providers build friend groups and help them get others involved in child care. 

Thirty-five providers attended and one attendee was interested in opening a new space. Sanvig was excited to see even one new person.  

“That one person means that 10-12 children will now have child care.”

Mitchell Fennell, Licensing & Intake Supervisor, at Sherburne County was on hand to answer any child care licensing questions.  Information sessions will be held for people interested in becoming a licensed family child care provider at the Sherburne County Government Center from 6-7 p.m. on the following dates – March 12, June 10, and August 11.

Child Care Wayfinder

In addition to organizing the training, Milestones was on hand to introduce attendees to their Child Care Wayfinder, a one-stop navigation network for starting and growing child care programs.  Milestones also provides services that benefit the families that providers serve such as outreach services, car seat education and distribution, and lending libraries.  They provide Early Learning Scholarships (ELS) to expand access to high-quality early childhood education programs to eligible families with children from birth to five years old.  They also provide financial reimbursements to licensed family child care providers to meet USDA nutrition guidelines.  

Other Vendors

Representatives from Sysco, American Family Insurance, and Aflac were also on hand because child care providers need partners to help them purchase food, offer benefits, and insure their homes they use to run their businesses in.  Lisa Thompson, from the MN Office of Ombuds for Family Child Care Providers was on hand to connect people with state and federal programs like the Child Care Assistance Program and the Federal Food Program.  Eight vendors in total were on hand. Each provided valuable information and assistance to help retain and grow the amount of child care provided in Becker and its surrounding areas. 

Lastly, the event was about celebrating Child Care providers who help grow the local economy, retain businesses, and most importantly, care for children.