Two teenagers with extraordinary intuition take it upon themselves to garner answers to the disappearance of their baby brother.
Thus is Tamed Lightning, a mystery and suspense novel by a Becker woman who hopes her book series strikes a chord with her readers, just like lightning striking the ground.
Susana Elizabeth Acosta (Susana Kuehne), 25, began to write her first book (Tamed Lightning) in 2012 and had it published in 2014 by a local publisher in the Twin Cities. Acosta was born and raised in Florida but moved up to Minnesota last April to accept a job as a mechanical engineer in Little Falls.
“I grew up always enjoying writing, but I didn’t necessarily see it as a career or anything,” Acosta said. “So I decided to study engineering and I really enjoy my work in that field. Writing a book only happened a few years ago after family members encouraged me to do so.”
Acosta attended the University of Rochester in New York and graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2012. She continued her studies at Virginia Tech, where she acquired her master’s degree.
On the side, Acosta has written freelance articles for the Daily Press (local newspaper in Hampton, VA) and several other publications. It was during this time Susana started contemplating writing a fiction novel and having it published.
“I used to write a lot when I was little and in high school and ideas for a book were already in my mind,” she said. “In college, I decided I wanted to write a book with a surprise ending.”
Susana is married to husband Jerrad Kuehne, 24, who is serving his country in the United States Navy. They have a one-year-old boy named Emmett.
Acosta is one of those rare persons who has the intelligence to apply complex principles of physics, analysis, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems — yet, be able to express herself in a range of creative and imaginative manners in writing and visionary communication.
Her intellect and creativity are what make her book, Tamed Lightning, a complex, imaginative tale full of unexpected twists and turns with some added supernatural elements to shock their reader. The story starts out in a “normal” way, but eventually brings its readers down a path of mystery, suspense, humor and conflict.
Acosta began her venture into writing the book by taking notes, writing out the characters, chapters and structure on index cards. She then sat down at her computer and knocked out six chapters in two weeks. From there, she let the juices flow and cranked out a chapter a week until the story was concluded.
But Acosta doesn’t see her endeavor into book writing to end after one, she has plans to make Tamed Lightning into a three-book series. That’s why she left a cliffhanger at the end and a mention of her future undertaking.
“At the end of Tamed Lightning, I indicated book two was coming and that it would come out in 2015,” she said. “A bit ambitious I suppose but I still want the series to unfold.”
Her next book is tentatively titled, Mind Experiments and will introduce new characters and new twists and turns. When the new book will come out depends largely on how she can get her first book marketed and read.
“I’d love to get into a big chain like Barnes & Noble or even some local bookstores, but I haven’t had the opportunity yet,” said Susana. “I’d like to spark some excitement in my community so they will look forward to the upcoming books in the series.”
Susana’s favorite part of working on the book was when she could live vicariously through her characters as she wrote it. The hardest part was when she had to write in the words of one of the male characters and lead her readers to an ending she hopes ties things together.
The book is 167 pages long and the cover design was done by friends of Susanas who were photographers and graphic designers.
“I had a vision of what I wanted the book cover to look like and they took it from there,” she said.
The artwork features a glowing sky, a large hanging tree, lightning (of course) and a path leading off the page. In the right-hand corner, a young girl is seen blowing bubbles through a wand.
The back cover emotes more mystery, showing the same golden-colored glow but featuring an unoccupied playground swing in the foreground of a brick patio.
Susana says she has contacted the Becker Library to see if they’d be interested in featuring her book or having a book signing but hasn’t heard back yet on that possibility. The book is only available online (Amazon) and costs a mere $13.95 for paperback.
Tamed Lightning is targeted to youth readers yet Susana says she had gotten positive feedback from many adults who have read it.
“I’ve had my aunts and uncles read it and they said they liked it,” said Susana. “The characters are relatable no matter what the age.”
Like lightning, Acosta is a bright flash in the book writing business and she hopes her future follows with thunderous appeal.