Friday, October 18th, 2024 Church Directory
RICK SPEERS (third from left) posed alongside one of three drawings he’ll have on display at the Becker Sherburne State Bank through the next several weeks. Speers is joined in the photo (left to right) by Sherburne State Bank receptionist, Pam Liestman, Rick’s wife, Nancy Speers, Rick Speers and Sherburne State Bank V.P. Tanya Danielson.

Local Artist Captures Spirit Of Midwest In Barn Drawings

A Becker artist is adding a splash of color and style to the walls of the Sherburne State Bank as he showcases three original pencil and pastel drawings of area barns.

Rick Speers, 78, began a path down the art field back when he was in his teens, but after gaining employment at Ford Motors as an equipment design engineer, he simply dropped the skill and used his creative talents working with cars, trucks and conveyors.
It wasn’t until about two years ago he picked up his pencil and started sketching barns, horses and small animals. He’s even dabbled in a still life or two and has given some of his artwork to the Becker Primary School.
“I’ve had some of my artwork shown at a few craftshows but I’m just doing this kind of thing as a hobby,” Speers said. “I’m not into this to make a lot of money. As long as I make a few dollars to pay for my materials, I’m happy.”
 Speers grew up in Michigan and took a drawing class at the University, but as soon as he attained a job at Ford, his future was set. He spent 35 years at the auto company designing conveyors and such that moved cars and parts down the assembly line.
Speers’ drawings in the bank are extremely detailed and almost have that technical, engineering kind of feel to them. They are bright, well composed and depict a wholesomeness many from these parts of Minnesota can appreciate.
Speers is married (Nancy) and he and his wife have six children.