Friday, October 18th, 2024 Church Directory
FLAG CEREMONY. Becker American Legion Chaplain Walter Eads, left, Post Commander Milo Olson and Sgt.-at-Arms John Fischbach conducted a Flag Retirement Ceremony at the Becker Legion Hall Monday afternoon. Flags that are deemed no longer serviceable are honorably destroyed by burning, per U.S. military tradition.
HONOR GUARD. American Legion members Gary Kern, Fred Goodrie and Eugene Kolbinger, Becker, and Chad Alred, Clear Lake, formed the Honor Guard for a Flag Retirement Ceremony at the Becker Legion Hall Monday afternoon.
PROPER RESPECT. American Legion member Chad Alred and Chaplain Walter Eads showed 11-year-old Braydon Braun the correct method for folding the American flag. Braydon, a Becker resident, had accompanied his grandfather to the Flag Retirement Ceremony at the Becker Legion Hall Monday afternoon.
WITH HONOR. Becker American Legion member Mick Boll prepared to consign an unserviceable U.S> flag to the flames at a Flag Retirement Ceremony at the Becker Legion Hall Monday. Burning is the prescribed method of proper disposal for flags that can no longer be flown.

Legion Conducts Flag Retirement Ceremony

Members of the Becker American Legion Post 193 gathered at the Legion Hall Monday afternoon to conduct a Flag Retirement Ceremony.  The post gathers flags that are not longer serviceable due to age, wear or damage, and regularly conducts the ceremony in which the flags are destroyed by burning, the standard method for honorable disposal used in the U.S. military.

Taking part in the ceremony were Post Commander Milo Olson, Chaplain Walter Eads, Sergeant-at-Arms John Fischbach and Legion members Eugene Kolbinger, Fred Goodrie, Mick Boll, John Riebel, Gary Kern, Fred Kleine and Chad Alred.
The program began with a prayer by the chaplain, followed by the reading of the regulations and inspection of the flags by the commander and vice-commanders.  Those flags that were considered to be no longer serviceable were then consigned to the flames, as per military tradition.