Jason Lawson, a sergeant with the Becker Police Dept. since 2013, is leaving his position to become part of the sheriff’s department in Collin County, TX.
Lawson’s last day with the Becker Police Dept. was Friday in which fellow officers and city staff gathered for cake and coffee at the Becker station from 4-6 p.m.
Lawson and his wife, Emily, both have family in the state of Texas and thus the move to the south was destined.
Lawson began his career in law enforcement as a police officer with Becker in August of 2012 and was promoted to sergeant in 2013 after the department lost Greg Bratt to cancer in 2012. He also had a stint with the North St. Paul Dept. just before settling in at Becker.
In 2013, Lawson was one of three Becker officers commended for their life-saving efforts and received a framed certificate and a citation bar for his uniform.
Collin County is just northeast of Dallas and has a population of 854,778 people (as of 2013).