Saturday, May 4th, 2024 Church Directory
BECKER CITY ADMINISTRATOR GREG PRUSZINSKE (R) presented WWTF employee Jeremy Halvorson with a certificate from the CD and the Minnesota Dept. of Health for their excellent fluoridation processes.
BRANDON HLAVKA contributed in the discussion of land use zoning during Wednesday’s Becker City Council meeting.

Land Use Amendment Tabled In Becker

Trustee services, reimbursements, land use regulations and a call for a public hearing were just a few of the many items discussed during Wednesday’s Becker City Council meeting.
Land Use Amendment
City Planner Therese Haffner brought forward a zoning ordinance amendment request on behalf of Sandy and Harold Cox for their garage storage facility in Becker.
The amendment request is for an allowance in expansion of legal non-conformities.
Haffner said the Coxes currently own a storage facility with 26 garage units. Their proposed expansion would include adding onto the existing garage in the form of two additional structures. Currently, the use and building as a garage storage facility is considered a legal non-conformity and is allowed to continue and be maintained but not to expand — except by ordinance.
Legal non-conformities are those uses, structures or lots that legally existed prior to the creation of zoning ordinance and are allowed to continue even though they are now “illegal”.
Haffner said the planning commission reviewed the proposal and recommended a denial of the request due to starting a precedent which would allow future expansions of legal non-conformities on other properties.
Brandon Hlavka of Hlavka Properties asked council to consider adapting the St. Cloud ordinance that allow for certain uses to expand provided they meet specific criteria. He said St. Cloud allows for certain residential, commercial and industrial expansions with each case being reviewed for acceptance or denial on a case-to-case basis.
After further discussion, Council Member Adam Oliver motioned to have the item tabled so further clarifications and discussions can be addressed at a future workshop.
Early Voting
Clerk Julie Blesi asked council to approve a resolution to support legislation establishing an early voting process for voters in Minnesota.
Currently, Minnesota law provides for no-excuse absentee voting by mail and in person and with in-person absentee voting, the voter must place their voted ballot in a series of envelopes that is processed at a later date by election officials.
Blesi said early voting would allow a voter to place their voted ballot directly into the ballot tabulator, thereby reducing the risk of voter errors and reducing administrative costs involved. She also said there will still be a processs for voters to request and submit an absentee ballot by mail.
Blesi pointed out that although the resolution is not required, it will help the League of Minnesota Cities’ efforts to get an early voting bill passed.
Council Member Rick Hendrickson suggested council vote “naye” for the resolution saying he thinks it will “loosen the security” for voter fraud. Member Tracy Bertram contradicted Hendrickson’s claim and voted to approve.
There was no “second” and the resolution failed.
Transportation Resolution
Blesi brought forth a resolution  for the City of Becker to support dedicated state funding for city streets including funding that can be used for non-MSA (Municipal State Aid) city street maintenance, construction and reconstruction. Blesi said at a recent LOMC (League of Minnesota Cities) meeting, legislative staff requested cities under the population mark of 5,000 support the state funding transportation finance bill that Gov. Dayton signed in May.
In the resolution drafted, it was stated that the City of Becker would be in support of the omnibus transportation funding bill and Member Hendrickson argued that part of the resolution should be removed so the city isn’t tied into supporting other transportation bills that may be tied into the legislative bill.
The City of Becker is scheduled to receive $62,145 this year and has received the first payment of approximately $31,000. The second half of the payment is expected around December 26.
Public Hearing
Treasurer Sarah Brunn asked council to schedule a public hearing to deal with the unpaid weed and utility charges for 2015.
Brunn said staff has been working with the weed notices and compiling a list of utility accounts greater than 60 days past due. Brunn suggested the public hearing be scheduled for Nov. 17 at the regular city council meeting.
Consulting Services
Brunn brought forth a resolution approving an agreement for consulting services from Hildi, Inc. to provide actuarial valuations for the city and the Becker Fire Relief for GASB 67&68.
The GASB (Government Accounting and Standard Board has implemented GASB 67, which requires pension plans to provide additional footnote disclosures for audit reporting. GASB 68 requires the city to record funded or unfunded portions of the fire relief pension as applicable on city financial statements.
Brunn said she obtained quotes for the work to be done over the next four years and the lowest quote came from Hildi. She also said the fire relief association has agreed to share the costs of the arrangement with the city by each paying 50%.
Costs for the services from Hildi are quoted as $2,200 in years one and three and $1,000 in years two and four.
Trustee Services
Brunn asked council to approve a resolution authorizing staff to proceed with trustee services from U.S. Bank.
The trustee is essential to monitor the potential debt service to fund the industrial wastewater facility upgrades.
Brunn said LPI has agreed to pay for the costs of the trustee agent ($2,200 up-front and $2,000 annually).
Reimbursement Resolution
In preparation for the upcoming industrial WWTF improvements, Brunn presented council with a reimbursement resolution to reimburse itself with bond proceeds should additional expenditures be incurred prior to the receipt of bond proceeds.
She said adopting the resolution does not change or interfere with the financing plan of issuing obligation bonds to fund the improvements with the security of a letter of credit.
The estimated maximum principal amount is $6,625,000.
Brunn said the city has already incurred project costs prior to the resolution (approximately $133,000 paid to date). The acceptance of the resolution would only allow reimbursement of project costs incurred within the 60 days prior to adoption.
Fluoridation Award
Jeremy Halvorson of the WWTF accepted a certificate  on behalf of the facility from the CDC and the Minnesota Dept. of Health honoring the entity with the 2014 Water Fluoridation Quality Award.
City Administrator Greg Pruszinske made the presentation and said the award recognizes communities that achieved excellence in community water fluoridation by maintaining a consistent level of fluoride in drinking water throughout the year.
A total of 2,282 public water systems in 33 states received these awards including 112 of a possible 625 in the State of Minnesota.
Other News
• Jeannette Burkhardt and Karen Punsack of the Great River Reginal Library in Becker gave a PowerPoint presentation on the benefits of having a library in the Becker community;
• June Hubbard of the Becker Police Dept. was honored for her 28 years of service to the city;
• Troy Malo was also recognized for being with Pebble Creek for eight years;
• A new golf superintendent was hired by Malo (Jason Scharfencamp) and will soon be starting his new job, replacing  retiring Robert Stern.
Up Next
The next Becker City Council meeting is Nov. 17 at 5 p.m.