The ancient sport of log rolling is being modernized, and Becker residents may have an opportunity to try the modern version for themselves if a plan in the Becker Community Ed. department becomes reality.
Modern log rolling of this kind is mainly done in an indoor pool using an artificial neoprene log, to cut down on loose bark clogging pool filters and lessen abrasions on log rollers, experts say. In this area, the Foley School District is the first to get their feet wet; offering classes through their Community Ed. department that they say provide a “low-impact cardio workout” and increase balancing skills and general agility.
Becker Community Ed. director Michelle Peacock said that BHS staff members Brenda Anderson and Gretchen Changamire have already taken the primary training class on the indoor logs, with several other Physical Ed. teachers and the pool lifeguards set to take the course later this month.
Once staff members have been checked out on the equipment, the department will begin offering a class through the Community Ed. catalog, and there has been some talk of forming a league to compete with similar programs in area cities. Classes will be available to adults and children, making it a genuine family sport.
For more information, contact Michelle Peacock at the Becker Community Ed. office at (763) 261-4506.