Thursday, February 13th, 2025 Church Directory
STELLA HUSO was wheeled onto the stage by Kathy Poslusny, Presdient of the Legion Auxiliary. She knew there was going to be a celebration, but she seemed a little surprised so many people came out to wish her a happy birthday. (Patriot Photo by Bill Morgan).
STELLA HUSO was saluted as she arrived for her "Stella-bration" Saturday. (Patriot Photo by Bill Morgan.)
Anthony “Token Squid” Price presented a plaque to Stella of an etching of Wayde’s name made from the Vietnam War Memorial wall. (Patriot Photo by Bill Morgan).
ELVIS IMPERSONATOR TODD ANDERSON interacted with Steall and her family as he sang some of her favorite tunes and closed it all out with a happy birthday song. (Patriot Photo by Bill Morgan).

Huso has grand birthday party at BLHS

Stella Huso, Big Lake’s celebrated Gold Star Mother, was honored Saturday afternoon by members of the community for her 105 years on planet earth and her sacrifice when her son lost his life in Vietnam some 55 years ago.

The Big Lake Legion and Auxiliary hosted the event Saturday from noon until 2 p.m. which featured several speakers, a video presentation, cake and coffee and a special appearance by the King of Rock & Roll. The event was billed as a “Stella-bration”.

As Stella arrived at the event in a flashy limousine, the Legion members and Auxiliary stood at attention as she exited the vehicle and was wheeled into the auditorium to a rousing fanfare. Mayor Paul Knier gave an opening prayer and Legion Commander Bill Hannay welcomed the 120 or so guests.

Kathy Poslusny, President of the Big Lake American Legion Auxiliary, introduced Stella to the crowd and everyone rose to their feet. Stella, not wanting to stay seated. asked for a little assitance as she rose to her feet and waved to her many admirers.

Hannay read aloud some birthday letters which included commendation from Mary Kiffmeyer and Tom Emmer amongst others.

Anthony Price of the Gold Star Foundation gave an endearing speech recognizing Stella and her tenacity. He presented to her a plaque that had an etching from the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C. of her son Wayde’s name.

Gary Meyer, a Legion Member and former Editor was acknowledged for his efforts in interviewing Huso a few months back so a video keepsake could be created. The video was shown to the people in the audience which included memories of Stella’s childhood, her family, her dreams and her last time she spoke to Wayde before she learned of his death.

To cap off the event, Elvis impersonator Todd Anderson belted out familiar tunes and shook up the stage as he serenaded Stella and her family for 45 minutes or so.

Following the program, guests were invited to the concourse to enjoy cake and coffee and visit with Stella and her family and friends. A large birthday card was on a table near the door that dozzens wrote hearty congratulations to a woman who continues to astound with her staying power.