Friday, March 14th, 2025 Church Directory
ROYAL FLASH. By popular acclaim, four royals were named to reign over the 2014 Homecoming festivities at Becker High School Thursday afternoon at the Pep Fest in the new performing arts center. From left: Princess Rachel Ulsby, Queen Karly Bauer, King Dan Zimmerman and Prince Dawson Brown.
PHOTO CALL. Members of the BHS Homecoming royal Court posed for pictures after the coronation ceremony Thursdy. Shown, from left, are: Sydney Benda, Prince Dawson Brown, Brittany Bodien, Queen Karly Bauer and BHS art teacher Joni Svaren.
ALL OF THEM ROYAL. The BHS Homecoming Royalty posed together after the coronation ceremony Thursday afternoon. Front row, from left: Princess Rachel Ulsby, Queen Karly Bauer, Sydney Benda, Savannah Johnston, Brittany Bodien and Katie Pursley. Back row, from left: Jacob Charbonneau, King Dan Zimmerman, Chris Weberg, Prince Dawson Brown, Zack Moeller and Caleb Vekved.
HOMECOMING WISDOM. BHS Head Football Coach Dwight Lundeen addressed the audience at the 2014 Homecoming Pep Fest in the new school performing arts center Thursday afternoon. He complimented the students on the new facilities they now enjoy and urging them to make use of all of their opportunities as Royal Court members Katie Pursley and Savannah Johnston and Activities/Athletic Director Dave Neimi listened.
ROYAL DECREE. Princess Rachel Ulsby, left, issued her first royal decree after the coronation ceremony at the 2014 Homecoming Pep Fest at Becker High School Thursday afternoon. Queen Karly Bauer, King Dan Zimmerman and Prince Dawson Brown were suitably impressed.
EN MASSE. Students and staff filled the impressive new performing arts center at Becker High School for the 2014 Homecoming Pep Fest Thursday afternoon.
"IT'S GOOD TO BE THE KING...AND QUEEN." Queen Karly Bauer and King Dan Zimmerman looked quite comfortable as they took their thrones after the coronation ceremony at the Homecoming pep Fest at Becker High School Thursday afternoon.

Homecoming Royalty Crowned At Bhs

Staff and students poured into the new performing arts center at Becker High School Thursday afternoon for the 2014 Homecoming Pep Fest, which included the crowning of a king, a queen, a prince and princess to reign over the festivities.
The program began with a rousing performance from the BHS orchestra that entertained the crowd as classes entered the facility in order of rank.  The front of the house was reserved for friends and family of the royal court, and cameras flashed there in anticipation of the ceremony to come.
The program began with an outstanding dance video by Judea DeMaris that featured BHS students and staff performing together, intercut with bits of professional music and dance videos.
Asst. Principal Mark Kolbinger was the emcee for the afternoon, and he introduced each couple as they made their way down the long side aisles and onto the stage to await the outcome of the voting by their peers earlier in the week.  Each couple met at center stage, and performed a “signature move” before sitting down, which included some dance steps, some hand jive and one “us-ee”, which is like a “selfie” but the picture contains two people.
Kolbinger then read some “histories” of each of the royal contestants before moving on to the main event, naming the 2014 royalty.  In order, he called out Princess Rachel Ulsby, Prince Dawson Brown, Queen Karly Bauer and King Dan Zimmerman, with each choice drawing thunderous applause from the packed house.
Several coaches and players from BHS teams also addressed the gathering, including Head Football Coach Dwight Lundeen.
Once the speeches were concluded, all of the royal court mixed with friends and family on the stage, posing for pictures with the newly-crowned and friends and family.
Pep Fest organizers wish to thank Mestad’s Formal Wear of St. Cloud, which donated the tuxedoes for the royal gentlemen, and Troy Malo and Pebble Creek Golf Course for the use of the golf carts in transporting the Homecoming royalty during the football game.