Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory
GROWING ECONOMY. Sherburne County Attorney Kathleen Heaney and Assessor Dan Weber addressed the Haven Township Board Monday night, asking for approval of a resolution from the board in support of the county Economic Development Authority. Following the presentation, the board unanimously approved the measure, which states that the board is in favor of a partnership between the EDA and towns and cities in the county going forward.

Haven Board Cool To Variane Request

A lengthy and somewhat exercised discussion of township handling of variance requests and a presentation seeking support for the Sherburne County Economic Development Authority (EDA) were among the items on offer at the regular meeting of the Haven Township Board Monday night.

Supervisors responded negatively to a variance request from a property owner in the Long Lake area at the Monday meeting.  Supervisor Mike Pesch, who also chairs the township Planning Commission, stated that the board “really has no criteria” for dealing with variance requests. 
The variance request in question included plans to add a new truss roof to the property, and building a porch extension. During the discussion, it was noted that the property is not currently in conformance with township zoning regulations, and that such regulations were not in effect when the structure was constructed in 1978.
While the structure and neighboring residences are not in compliance with township zoning regulations, Pesch voiced an objection to the township board having to be in the position of deciding “What is the harm?” if a structure is out of compliance.  That would put the board in “unknown terrain,” Pesch said, and that deciding the issue of “harm” would possibly lead to the approval of 90 per cent of variance requests if the board had to make such decisions.
Pesch said that the township had regulations for a reason, and put forward a motion to submit a negative comment to the county Board of Adjustment in regard to the variance request. That motion died for lack of a second, after which Supervisor Kathy Sims-Kosloski moved to record a vote of “no comment” on the request.  That motion was seconded by Supervisor Randy Linn, and was approved, with Pesch abstaining from the vote.
Later in the meeting, Chairman Jeff Schlingmann stated that he would prefer to never see the board record a vote of “no comment” on a variance request, and that, since the board is responsible for zoning in some parts of the township, it must be prepared to make hard decisions.
Pesch commented further that unregulated building can result in negative “quality of life” issues for other residents, and that “there are reasons for setbacks” and other restrictions that are in place, and that the board “should not be ashamed to enforce our rules.”
Economic Development
Sherburne County Attorney Kathleen Heaney and Assessor Dan Weber addressed the meeting to request approval of a motion stating that the Haven Township Board supports the Sherburne County Economic Development Authority.
As at other local government meetings recently, Heaney and Weber stated that the EDA is “another tool in the toolbox” to help townships and cities with growth promotion and funding of specific projects including grant writing help.  Weber stated that home based businesses, long a bone of contention in Haven Township, would benefit from EDA assistance in that they could be encouraged to expand into a commercial setting.
They also said that the EDA would have no ability to set funding levels for itself, and that projects would require the approval of the county board. The EDA could make funding suggestions in those areas, Weber said, but had no direct power to tax residents for projects.
Heaney told the board that the EDA seeks to be “in partnership” with townships and cities in the county, with a reduction in duplication of effort in dealing with fund raising and other issues with state and other government agencies.  Membership also will have no cost to the township, she said.
Sims-Kosloski asked if the EDA would become a “one stop shop” for new businesses moving into the area, and Heaney replied that it could.  Certain incentives could be suggested, though things like tax abatement would have to have county board approval.
At the conclusion of the presentation, the board voted unanimously in favor of a resolution expressing support for the EDA.
Other Business
Vice-Chairman Mark Knowles reported that a proposal to seek bids for an asphalt recycling project is currently in-active.  A resolution finalizing the Co. Rd. 66 turn back has been sent to the county, Schlingmann said, and Heaney commented that it had been accepted and approved.
Knowles said he is seeking bids for new road signs that will require replacement, and will present the results at the September board meeting.  A copy of the new driveway approach application form will be placed on the township web-site, the board agreed, and the current fee schedule will be examined at the next board meeting.
The sheriff’s report listed 70 calls for service in Haven Township in July, including one burglary, three arrests on warrants, and 23 traffic stops.  A case of illegal dumping on a township roadway was solved when a deputy discovered information leading to the identity of the individuals responsible in the discarded material.