Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 Church Directory
Alexis Gosewisch of Big Lake was selected for the Minnesota Youth Council. (Submitted Photo).

Gosewisch joins the Minnesota Youth Council

Minnesota Alliance With Youth is pleased to announce that Alexis Gosewisch of Big Lake has been selected to serve on the Minnesota Youth Council, representing MN Congressional District 6. 

The Minnesota Youth Council (MYC) serves as liaison between young people, youth-led and youth-serving organizations, and state policymakers and the Governor and Lt. Governor. They are the statutorily-created “voice of youth” in Minnesota and expand opportunities for ALL young people in Minnesota to have their voices heard and input considered. 

The Minnesota Youth Council amplifies the voice and power of young adults, creating opportunities for young people to actively influence decisions that directly impact their lives. Participants learn and practice civic skills that promote civil discourse and strengthen our local and statewide democratic systems.

In 2013, the MN Legislature formally recognized the work of the MYC, passing into law the Minnesota Youth Council Committee Bill, which establishes the MYC as an official legislative committee, creating a system for youth to provide advice and recommendations to the legislature and the governor.

Gosewisch is a student at Big Lake High School.

Alexis is proud to be a part of two anti-drug coalitions, student council, school board, different volunteer groups/opportunities, girl scouts, managing, and band. She hopes to make an impact in my community and inspire change!

To contact Alexis directly, email The Minnesota Youth Council is a diverse body of youth, representing a broad swathe of opinions, perspectives, and lived experiences from across the state of Minnesota. It is an avenue for youth to collaborate, compromise and build shared agreement and understanding. With a primary focus on shaping statewide policies and decision-making processes, the council works to amplify the voices of their peers, enhance public awareness of crucial youth issues, and champion the adoption and execution of laws and regulations that benefit today’s Minnesota youth. The Minnesota Youth Council focuses on these areas of youth issues, Environmental Justice, Education Equity, Mental Health & Wellness, Civic Engagement, Economic Prosperity, and Transportation.

Learn more about the Minnesota Youth Council and how you can partner with the Youth Representative from your district at