Family members of Cemetery Board President Gertie Sakry surprised her by helping her with the annual cemetery clean-up day last Saturday in honor of Sakry's 77th birthday.
Sakry has been on the cemetery board for approximately 25 years.
Armed with shovels, hoes, work gloves and wheelbarrows, the crew consisted of three Sakry’s 11 children, including Grant Borst who is also a member of the cemetery committee, three grandchildren and three grandchildren-in-law and 10 great-grandchildren.
The group completed the clean-up at the Becker Cemetery, along with Sakry's niece Karen Wipper and Cemetery Board Secretary/Treasurer Ann Johnson, in three hours. Five truck-loads of sticks, grass and leaves were gathered.
The celebration of Gertie’s birthday was further conducted at her house with a potluck with additional family members.