Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 Church Directory
THIS ARTIST’S RENDITION of the proposed canopy for the Freedom Rock illustrates the look and size of the structure and how it will be used to protect the Freedom Rock from the elements. (Submitted Photo).
BIG LAKE ADVOCATE KETTI GREEN gave a stirring rendition of “Those Were the Days” ala Edith Bunker from the All in the Family TV show. (Submitted Photo).
A GROUP OF SIX MEN chosen from the audience did their best to imitate the Village People as they sand and dance to the song, YMCA. (Submitted Photo).

Freedom Rock® to get much-needed canopy

Citizens for the Big Lake Freedom Rock® project gathered last Saturday night at The Buff event center for a Freedom Rockin’ benefit to construct a canopy over the Freedom Rock to protect it from the elements.  Deuces Wild! Dueling Pianos was the main attraction. This was the one and only fundraiser the organizers needed as the benefit was a huge success and a shelter will be built this year.

Artist Bubba Sorenson painted the rock located at Lakeside Park in August 2021 as a thank you to veterans.  Bubba’s goal was and is to paint a Freedom Rock in every state in the union. See his website for all the locations of painted rocks at The Freedom Rocks represent a thank you to veterans for the  freedoms everyone experiences today and gratitude to those who gave those rights to Americans.

Two local veterans represented on the Big Lake rock, Sara Seck and Dawn Perry, were among the guests last Saturday.  Volunteer organizers of the Freedom Rockin’ event Linda Paulson and Karen Blake said: “We are now able to build the shelter needed due to the generosity of the guests who  attended.”  

Freedom Rock sponsors who graciously covered the expenses of the event were: Big Lake Lions, Big Lake American Legion & Auxiliary, Homes for Heroes, Spud Fest, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon and Knights of Columbus Becker and Big Lake.

Deuces Wild! Dueling Pianos’ concert motivated the sell-out crowd by honoring guests like Deli Rose Stein, 94 with a saxophone rendition of Over the Rainbow that brought the crowd to a standing ovation.  Ketti Green will forever now be nicknamed Edith with her entertaining Edith Bunker version of Those Were the Days and Norm Leslie was given the famous call out by the crowd as N-o-r-m from the show Cheers. Nancy “Sally” Theisen was asked to point out six handsome men in the audience, who came on stage and performed the well-known YMCA song captured on many FB pages. 

“The crowd was in such an upbeat mood that night,” said one organizer. “I think when they saw the Big Lake Fire truck floating the beautiful U.S. Flag as they entered the parking lot they knew they were in for a great night.” 

Tribute pavers placed around the rock will continue to be installed until the shelter project is complete. For those interested, contact Karen Blake at 763 234-0369 for more information.