Minnesotans living in poverty who need some legal advice can get free help from Volunteer Lawyers Network (VLN). Volunteer lawyers provide free legal advice by phone on legal issues like bankruptcy, debtor/creditor issues, consumer issues, employment law, immigration law, criminal expungement and unemployment compensation.
Sometimes, filling in the legal form is the hardest part of the case. VLN lawyers can also help in completing legal forms for garnishments, debt collection answers, and criminal expungement petitions.
Eligibility for services is based on income, assets, and county of residence. If a person is not eligible for VLN services, VLN refers them to other places that might be able to help. VLN, based in Hennepin County, is a nonprofit organization that links people living in poverty with lawyers volunteering their time to help others.
People interested in more information, including whether they would be eligible for the free services, can call our customer service representatives at 612-752-6677. The phone lines are open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9AM to 1PM. More information is available at www.vlnmn.org/help. Se habla Espanol.