Friday, November 29th, 2024 Church Directory
SHERBURNE COUNTY SHERIFF JOEL BROTT presented his annual report to the Becker Town Board Monday.

Fire Signs Part Of Hug Discussion At Becker Twp.

The Becker Twp. Board convened Monday and discussed roads, winter parking, fee schedules, the sheriff’s report and fire signs.
Fire Signs
The town board members spent the majority of Monday’s meeting time discussing what happened to fire signs on certain properties that have been moved from where township maintenance initially placed them.  
Board members agreed that while it is allowed, it causes safety issues for the homeowners, and  they may not realize it.  
The board said they can’t control re-placement of the signs without passing an ordinance.  They can (and decided to), however, to send out a letter recommending that people leave the fire signs where they are placed.
Clerk Lucinda Messman said she will send a letter that identifies where maintenance wants the signs to be  placed according to their particular height and location for safety/visibility.  The letter will also let them know that if they move their fire signs to the lower front of their mailboxes and they are damaged by the snowplow, the homeowner will need to pay the cost of replacing the signs.  
Also, the board said since they placed the signs the first time, if the property owners have to have the signs placed again, it will cost the homeowner.  Finally, the letter will say that moving the signs lower may slow emergency response time since they would need to look for the sign rather than see it at the recommended heights that the township follows when putting them in.  Messman said there are two subdivisions who will receive the letters.
Engineer’s Report
Wes Davis presented an updated engineering standards and plates draft.  He indicated there were no drastic changes from the last printing.  Davis hopes the board will timely review the update and bring back any comments/recommendations next month.  
Davis said the Phase III design for 185th Ave. SE is slated to start.  This includes laying out the dirt work and wetland permitting is required.  
Davis presented an updated map showing age of all township roads in conjunction with the CIP.  The township plans to bid paving out with the county for the south ½ of 185th Ave this summer.  
Davis plans to do some traffic counts at five roads in the township to provide supervisors information of how many cars are actually using various roads.
Winter Parking
Due to vehicles left on roads interfering with public safety and snow removal, the town board will be preparing a winter parking ordinance for township roads with a public hearing set for next month.
Planning and Zoning 
A CUP revocation process has begun for 17060 142nd Street in Big Lake.  
Messman said people within 500 feet will be receiving notice this week. The joint planning board is looking at revising some of the building standards. 
Fee Schedule
An updated fee schedule was passed.  The biggest changes were adding a grading escrow and small cell wireless fees.
Supervisor’s Reports
Town supervisors provided reports on the fire board and Hwy. 25 Coalition.  The road supervisor said it has been a fairly quiet month.  The contractor will be starting winter high trimming soon.
A general maintenance contract for 2018 was awarded to Wruck Excavating.
Appointments to the planning commission for 2018-2020 include  Brian Kolbinger and alternate Luke Babler.  At large member Frank Kasowski, Jr. was also added.
Appointments to the joint planning board for 2018-2020 include Brad Wilkening and alternate Gary Gilbert.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurers report  was approved as presented.  March 5, 2018  was set as the budget workshop and board of audit meeting.
Sheriff’s Report
Sheriff Joel Brott gave his annual report for Becker Twp. He also discussed a summary of 2017 calls for service/arrests, which totaled 2294.  DUIs in Becker Twp. were up, Brott said but county numbers overall were level. 
Annual Election 
Messman reminded the  supervisors March 13 is township day/election. She also mentioned upcoming training opportunities.
Up Next
The next Becker Twp. Board meeting is Mon., Feb. 26 (Fourth Monday) due to the Presidents Day holiday being the week before.