SWAMP MONSTER? Logan Jurek nailed an 11-point buck (which he referred to as a ’swamp donkey’) on his family’s property in Becker Twp. on opening weekend. In an ironic twist, Logan recalled how he shot a deer in the exact same spot on the family’s property as the first deer he ever shot 10 years ago to the day (inset) with his grandfather (Bernnie Lutz), who passed away shortly after that first hunt. (Submitted Photo).
Kelly (Lutz) Jurek (Logan’s mom) also shot an 8-point buck over the weekend. The Lutz and Jurek families have a long family tradition of hunting together and are zealous hunters. (Submitted Photo).
NICE 10 POINT BUCK that Alan Nelson of Becker shot on Sunday in Southern Minnesota. (Submitted photo.)
deer hunt at wild marsh. Maverick Mortensen harvested a 75-pound doe fawn with a 25-yard shot using a brand new savage 20-gauge while hunting with his dad near Santiago. Maverick was the youngest hunter in the Mortensen hunting party. Pictured above: Maverick and Myah (front) and parents Kourtney and Joshua. (Submitted Photo).