Monday, September 16th, 2024 Church Directory

Farmers Union Introduces Program For Veterans

Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) introduces a new program dedicated to the veterans of the armed services living and working in Minnesota.
“Our nation has a long history of support of the education and retraining of our veterans,” stated Minnesota Farmers Union President, Doug Peterson, “it is within that spirit of supporting veterans, that Minnesota Farmers Union is launching ‘MN Vets’, aimed at connecting veterans to farmers and farming.”
This new program will focus on:
• Education on farming practices and techniques to help veterans learn or build on their farming skills.
• Building relationships within the farming organization to build strong networks.
• Connections with and directions to organizations to get funding for land and information on available land.
• Having the information to find grants, land, loans and programs through various partnerships with state and county organizations that are focused on assisting veterans.
These are just some of the highlights of the new MFU program that is being launched. We look forward to helping those who have done their part to help us.