Thursday, January 2nd, 2025 Church Directory
NEW DEVELOPMENTS. Sherburne County Administrator Steve Taylor addressed the Santiago Township Board meeting Wednesday night to outline the goals of the county Economic Development Authority and answer questions regarding plans and costs for future programs.

Economic Development On Santiago Agenda

A truncated board and a light agenda led to a short session at the Santiago Township Board of Supervisors meeting Wednesday night.  

Sherburne County officials presented a report on the Economic Development Authority during the session, and the board tabled action on bids for a project on 62nd st. and a request from a property owner to combine two adjoining parcels in the township.
Economic Development
Sherburne County Attorney Kathleen Heaney introduced Administrator Steve Taylor, who presented a report to the board on the planned activities of the county Economic Development Authority (EDA) in regard to expanded fiber optics access, grant writing and applications for state funding for projects such as fighting invasive aquatic species like Eurasian milfoil, and developing a strategic plan to attract and keep businesses in the county going forward.
Clerk Kathy Woolard asked if the program will result in tax increases, to which both Taylor and Heaney replied that the county board is the only one that can raise taxes, though the EDA board, which includes two county commissioners, can recommend a tax increase for specific projects if they should so choose.  Taylor said that one of the goals of the EDA is to “diversify the tax base” and spread future project costs.  He also said that there is “power in numbers” as cities and townships join with the county to obtain grants and funds from state and other sources.
Treasurer Jeff Anderson asked if commercial real estate in Sherburne County is seeing any positive growth along with the private housing market. Taylor replied that there have been signs of growth in areas of the county involving new businesses, but that it, like new housing starts, has been slow though county property values have seen an eight percent rise.
Supervisor Jeff Pappenfus asked if more farm regulations are expected in the future, to which Taylor said “Not that I am aware of.”  
Heaney fielded a feed lot question from Pappenfus by saying “We’re still working on it.”
Heaney told the board she and other officials will visit every township in the county in the near future to seek resolutions from them stating that they are in favor of the EDA.  Supervisor David Jehoich moved the board table a vote on the measure until the September meeting, and Pappenfus agreed.  Chairman Stuart Nelson was unable to attend the Wednesday meeting.
Other Business
The board also approved a resolution for another one-year contract with Anderson-Gilyard for propane at the fire hall, and had a communication from the Santiago Lion’s Club indicating that they would suspend construction repairs in the Santiago Town Park until after the Fun Fest on Sat., Aug. 23.  The club plans to erect a new $8,500 backstop at the ball field, the board learned.