Thursday, March 6th, 2025 Church Directory
"HERE THEY COME!" Friends and family and a welcoming committee of area residents got ready to greet brothers James and Sam Sherwood as they arrived at the Becker City Hall after being deployed in the Middle East with the U.S. Military.
AT LAST. Becker resident James Sherwood embraced his Mother-in-Law Sharon Shepers of St. Cloud during a welcome home ceremony at the Becker City Hall last Saturday morning. He and his brother Sam of Little Falls were returning from deployment in the Middle East, and were welcomed home by friends and family and the Becker Beyond the Yellow Ribbon organization.
HOMEWARD BOUND. Sam Sherwood of Little Falls, front, and his brother James of Becker celebrated their return from service in the Middle East last Saturday with family and friends and members of the Becker Beyond the Yellow Ribbon organization at the Becker City Hall.
SAFE HOME. Becker resident James Sherwood celebrates his return home last Saturday with his son and his wife Joy, left, and a group of family and friends. They had gathered to meet him and his brother Sam at the Becker City Hall to celebrate their return from deployment in the Middle East.
WELCOMING COMMITTEE. Kari Westby of the Becker Beyond the Yellow Ribbon and some American Legion members help members of the Becker Boy Scout and Cub Scout get ready to welcome brothers James and Sam Sherwood as they returned from military service in the Middle East last Saturday at the Becker City Hall.

Double Joy As Two Soldiers Return

The first e-mail from Kari Westby at the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon organization said that a soldier, James Sherwood, would be coming home to Becker on Saturday morning, with an escort of police and fire vehicles to being him to his waiting family and friends gathered at the Becker City Hall.
And that information was correct, as far as it went.  The even better portion of the story was that was that his brother, Sam Sherwood, who had also been serving in the Middle East, was also returning at the same time, and would be with him when the escort pulled in to the city hall.
At the appointed hour, 11 a.m. Saturday, a group of friends and family were joined by members of the Becker BYTR awaiting the arrival of the two soldiers.  With lights flashing and sirens wailing the caravan, led by Becker Police Chief Brent Baloun and including an engine from the Becker Fire Dept., made its way down Sherburne Ave. to the city hall for the reunion.
Once out of the vehicles, Becker resident James was met by his wife Joy and a group of family and friends, all of who had been holding small U.S. Flags as they waited for the vehicles to arrive.  At the same time, older brother Sam of Little Falls was embracing his family and friends as they celebrated the safe return of both men before all departing for a more private reunion ceremony.