Monday, May 6th, 2024 Church Directory
WINNERS. Zeus, Devin Riley, Kallee Fisher and Jazzy with their awards at the MASCUSA Nationals (Miniature American Shepherd Club of the USA).

Cousins Find Success At Recent Dog Shows

Cousins Kallee Fisher and Devin Riley of the Kicking Clovers 4-H club have had a successful month showing their Miniature American Shepherds.
Sept. 12 – 16 found the Clear Lake residents in Missouri at the Breed National Event at Purina Farms. 
During the event, Fisher’s dog, Jazzy, qualified at herding instinct testing. Fisher was surprised and excited as Jazzy is only nine months old and had never participated in it before. 
Jazzy also received 99 points out of 100 in the Rally event, winning first place. She had a good run in Obedience until she wouldn’t come back during recall and was disqualified. 
Riley’s dog, Zeus, received 184 out of 200 in Obedience, winning first place in his class, and received high point (high score) in Novice A and B. He received a qualifying ‘leg’ in Rally, coming in fourth place. ‘Legs’ are earned from qualifying scores, and after receiving three dogs receive a title.
Zeus also competed in Agility but didn’t qualify, nor did he place in Conformation, although he already has champion status from previous years. During Conformation a dog is judged on how well he or she conforms to their own breed’s written standard of perfection.
Riley also competed with his nine month old dog, Faith. She received a qualifying score in rally, earning her first ‘leg,’ but didn’t qualify in obedience.
In the Junior Handler event, Riley received best junior and Fisher received reserve best junior. It was Riley’s first ever best junior win, and the first time he ever beat his cousin. Fisher was excited for him.
“He was always saying, ‘One of these days I’m going to beat you.’ I was so happy for him,” she said.
What makes the cousins’ success at the event even more impressive is most of the competitors are adults from around the world. Fisher is 17 and Riley is 14.
Sept. 24 and 25 the cousins competed at the Minnesota 4-H State Dog Show at the state fairgrounds in St. Paul.
Riley and Zeus received grand champion in four of the five events they competed in, Obedience, Rally, Showmanship and Agility.
In Obedience they competed in the graduate novice class, which required recalls over jumps, heeling off leash, moving down and a dumbbell hold. Rally required them to follow a pattern off leash.
In Agility they competed in the intermediate class and received grand champion with no faults, finishing the course in 71 seconds. The event includes jumps, tunnels, weaves, a-frame, tires and tables.
In Showmanship they were up against 20 eighth graders, and were judged on a combination of the presentation of their dog and their dog knowledge.
In their fifth event, Jumpers, they received a blue. 
Riley also competed in Rally with Faith, and although she didn’t pay attention as well as she should have she still received blue.
Fisher and Jazzy competed in Rally and Showmanship. 
In Rally they received 99 points out of 100 with a time of 50 seconds, winning grand champion. 
In Showmanship they were up against 20 eleventh graders, and received a blue with an award of excellence, giving them fourth place.
The cousins typically compete once or twice a month, and each has goals for the upcoming year.
“I really want to hit it hard in Obedience and Rally and get some titles,” said Fisher. “I feel like she [Jazzy] will excel, and once she fills out more she’ll do well in Conformation.”
She’s also considering becoming a professional handler, as people have been asking her to show dogs for them.
“Each year is different,” said Riley. “The classes are getting harder and I’ll have to practice a lot if I want to continue to do well.”
The cousins may also be appearing on a TV show. One of the producers from The Voice is currently pitching a dog show reality series to different networks, which Fisher and Riley interviewed for via Skype. They should be hearing back from Hollywood in the next few weeks.
In any case Fisher and Riley will continue showing their dogs.
“Join the dog show world, it’s great!” said Fisher.