Friday, September 20th, 2024 Church Directory

County Sets Its Priorities

In an effort to promote countywide economic development and provide necessary services in a cost-effective manner, Sherburne County has developed a list of strategic priorities.

The list is the culmination of months of work, which includes the selection of Springsted in February as the county’s economic development advisor.
At the last county board meeting, the commissioners approved the strategic priority list, which not only lists the top five priority categories, but also lists specific staff and department heads responsible for carrying through with those tasks.
In April, the board met with department heads to discuss the draft plan and refine the list. At the last board meeting, Administrator Steve Taylor said the final list had been  completed since the April workshop.
“Based on that discussion, some changes were made,” he said. “Since then I’ve added who is responsible for each priority and the timeline.”
The five priority categories are:
1. Promote healthy, safe and livable communities;
2. Encourage economic vitality;
3. Enhance and expand partnerships while creating an informed public;
4. Continue to be fiscally prudent and stewards of the public trust;
5. Foster organizational excellence.
Priority #1 includes maintaining quality parks, trails and green spaces; providing a secure and safe environment for county residents, and protecting children, the elderly and vulnerable populations.
Each priority category will be a collaboration of departments.Taylor explained that under each sub-priority, plans had to be developed and tasks had to be carried out by individuals on a specific timeline. The parks, trails and green spaces are the responsibility of Zoning Administrator Nancy Riddle and Public Works Director John Menter.
Sheriff Joel Brott and Probation Director J Hancuch have the responsibility of working to provide a secure and safe environment.
County Attorney Kathleen Heaney and HHS Director Mary Jo Cobb are responsible for protecting children, the elderly and vulnerable populations. 
Taylor mentioned a few tasks covered under the priorities, including updating zoning ordinances, collaborating with cities and townships to enhance communication and investing in increased broadband and fiber connectivity.
He said the county was already working on the broadband issue.
“Staff has met with all the internet providers to discus countywide internet services.  We’ve partnered with the City of Becker, the City of Big Lake and  Blandin Foundation to conduct a survey, which will be completed the end of this month,” he said. “Much of the work listed in the strategic priorities are things that we’re already doing today.”
Taylor said the list is not just a wish list, but a set of goals to be accomplished.
“When I do performance evaluations on staff, a lot of these goals will be incorporated into what’s expected over the next few years,” he said. “The intent is to help guide the county’s work over the next one to three years so that we’re all working on common goals.”