Monday, September 23rd, 2024 Church Directory
Sheriff Joel Brott

County Reorganizing Jail Health System

The Sherburne County Board approved a reorganization of the jail clinic that includes a new $1.4 million contract with MeND Correctional Care.

Tuesday, Sheriff Joel Brott explained the process. He said the jail contracted with MeND from April 2006 through April 2013 before going to another vendor for the past year. But it hasn’t worked out.
“We weren’t overly pleased with that healthcare provider,” he said. “So we asked MeND to come back and we’ve been very pleased.”
That happened in April, and Brott said the operation is running smoothly now. He said the jail just had an inspection from U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) last week.
“They fly in several representatives from across the country. One of the many components is the health services,” he said. Brott said at the exit briefing he was told they did not identify any deficiencies within the healthcare facility, including mental health services.
He said the jail has also implemented a Tele-Psych system to help inmates.
“We have a part-time mental healthcare provider on duty,” he said. “This also provides a service if something is of immediate need.”
Brott said along with the new contract, there will also be an upgrade to the electronic medical records system.
Under the contract, MeND will accept all county staff as part of the reorganization. Brott said there are currently 13 employees affected, many of whom have been at their positions for years.
Brott said the new contract  includes a 2% annual increase cap. The $1,392,900 contract amount represents about a $150,000 increase over the amount the county currently spends on inmate healthcare services.
But Brott said there will be long-term cost savings when things like cost-of-living increases, PERA and health insurance premiums are taken into account.
“It’s more expensive but it relieves the county of some responsibility -  hiring, replacing, training supervising, scheduling and it relieves the county of some liability,” he said. “The county board has a significant interest in the operation of the jail. It is revenue-generating for the county and we want to make sure  that we have a stable provider.”
Brott said the increase would be covered by the Federal Jail Enterprise Fund and would not require additional tax dollars.
The board voted to move forward with the reorganization.
Other Business
In other action the board:
• Approved the replacement of two workstations in the Veteran’s Service office at a cost of $6,497 from Northern Business Products;
• Approved a starting salary of $54,000 for Cynthia Bowman, accredited assessor;
• Approved the addition of four sergeant positions (as promotions) to the jail staff at a total cost of $16,595.47 for the four promotions;
• Approved a contract with Robert Rippe & Associates for $6,700 for the addition and replacement of equipment in the jail kitchen;
• Approved the purchase of a new video management system for the Government Center and jail at a cost of $66,750 from Videotronics;
• Removed a conditional use permit for a manufactured home from the Loren Goenner property on 77th Street SE in Clear Lake because the home has been removed;
• Approved a Gambling Exempt Permit for Hope Chest for Breast Cancer at Bailey Ray’s Roadhouse in Santiago Twp. for Aug. 23;
• Approved an Off-Sale Liquor License for Briggs Lake Liquor in Clear Lake Twp., subject to a background check for the new owner;
• Approved landfill groundwater consulting contracts with Houston Engineering and LBG.