Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Church Directory

County okays Midco broadband agreement

The Sherburne County Board last week gave its commitment to support a new broadband project.

The company Midco is planning a project that would serve 240 addresses in Big Lake Twp. Midco is applying to the Dept. of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for a Border to Border grant to fund the project and is asking the county to be a financial partner in the project.

Assistant Administrator Dan Weber told the board that Midco is not seeking new funding from the county, but would like to re-allocate ARPA money that was not used on their last project.

“They had an Orrock project that was approved a few years ago that came in about $35,000 under budget,” said Weber.

Midco wants to use that savings for the Big Lake project.

“They would like to re-allocate $35,000 to that project. And that would only be if DEED awards the Border to Border grant,” he said. “So at his time they are only looking for a commitment letter that we would be willing to partner in that project if necessary.”

The board gave its approval. They also approved an additional $22,473.60 in ARPA spending to cover administration and ARPA audit costs.

Community Grants

The board extended four ARPA Community Resource and Investment grants through Dec. 31, 2024.

Due to staffing shortages and other circumstances, four grants will not be fully alloted by the end of this year. County staff recommended extending grants to The Wave, Promise Neighborhood, Elk River School District and Big Lake School District until the end of 2024.

Budget Software

The board approved a three-year extension to the existing countywide budgeting software (OpenGov) agreement. The software allows staff to efficiently prepare budget and financial reports, and allows departments to centrally manage their budget in an easy to understand way.

The current contract expires in 2024. Under the extension, the county’s cost is $49,500 in 2025 and a 5% increase in 2026 and 2027.

Engineering Agreement

The board approved an amendment to an agreement with Houston Engineering, Inc. The company provides professional and technical services such as reviewing engineering and groundwater-related documents on solid waste facilities located within the county. The amendment extends the contract to Dec. 31, 2024.

Park Restoration

The board approved an agreement with Natural Resource Services for the Oak Savanna Restoration Project. The contractor will perform various services relating to tree and invasive species removal and treatment at specified locations in Oak Savanna Park in Becker. The cost is $59,538.50.

Bridge Project

The board awarded the contract for the 2024 Co. Rd. 4 bridge replacement over the St. Francis River to Redstone Construction LLC at $1,533,265.75. Other bidders were: Structural Specialties, Inc. ($1,562,530), S.M. Hentges & Son, Inc. ($1,729,576.40), Lunda Construction Co. ($1,891,163.08) and Zenith Tech, Inc. ($1,952,663.46). The engineer’s estimate was $1,896,758.23.

Other Business

In other actions the board:

• Approved the final payment of $91,790.01 to Kraemer Trucking & Excavating Inc. for the 2023 Co. Rd. 63 reconstruction project. The final contract amount was $566,361.59;

• Passed a resolution of support for Clear Lake Twp. to apply for the Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Grant, with Sherburne County serving as sponsor for the township improvement project on 90th Ave. SE;

• Approved the addition of a Training Deputy position to the Sheriff’s Office. The position would be funded through a reallocation of existing levy dollars that currently fund the Jail Investigator position;

• Approved the addition of two Jail Corporal positions to the Sheriff’s Office. Both positions will be absorbed through the current staffing complement by reclassifying two Correctional Officers positions;

• Approved the addition of two Patrol Deputy Positions to the Sheriff’s Office to be covered by money received from the MN Public Safety Funds for the 2024-2026 fiscal years.