After a brief discussion Tuesday, the Sherburne County Board approved an amendment to increase the maximum grant amount from $5,000 to $10,000 for each septic system upgraded, repaired or replaced under the MPCA Grant entitled “Replacing Failing Septic Systems to Protect Groundwater.”
The Sherburne County Planning and Zoning Dept. receives funding through the Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (SSTS).
A limited amount of funding is available and is awarded on a first come, first serve basis. This grant money may also be used to supplement the county’s SSTS Low-Interest Loan program for those who meet the criteria. The grant may be obtained to cover 33% of the estimated cost of the system.
The county received a one-time $155,000 grant from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) on August 18, 2023. To date, 25 individuals have been awarded a grant under the one-time program, with $137,243 allocated and $119,230 spent. Unspent dollars total $35,769.27. In order to take advantage of all the grant money, all funds must be spent by May 31, 2025. Raising the maximum grant amount will help use up the remaining grant balance by the deadline.
Interchange Grant
The board approved an amendment to the grant agreement with MnDOT for the Hwy. 169/Co. Rd. 4 Interchange Project. The amendment allocates funds for the costs associated with the Wetland Mitigation for the Zimmerman Interchange projects relating to the trunk highway system.. Funding for the amendment totals $300,200.
The board also approved an amendment for wetland mitigation relating to the local county, city and township road system. Funding for that amendment totals $463,600. There are no local county levy funds associated with either proposed amendment.
Emergency Management
The board accepted the 2023-25 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) agreement in the amount of $46,405. The funds provide critical assistance for annual planning, conferences, trainings, and Emergency Operations Center staff time. The grant is retroactive to 2023, and has a performance period from Jan. 1, 2023, to June 30, 2025.
Veterans Transportation
The board approved the sale/transfer of two Veterans Services Office (VSO) vans to the St. Cloud VA to facilitate the transition of the Sherburne County Veterans Services Transportation Program to the St. Cloud VA/Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Transportation Program. The vans will become part of the federal St. Cloud VA fleet and all operating costs (maintenance, fuel, liability etc.) will be assumed by St. Cloud VA. The Dept. of Veterans Affairs will schedule rides, dispatch vehicles, drive Sherburne County Veterans; recruit, train, and maintain drivers; and replace the vans once service life has been reached.
The county will save $35,600 budgeted annually for Volunteer Driver Stipends, Vehicle Operating Expenses, and Capital Asset Replacement.
Other Business
In other actions the board:
• Approved a MN Lawful Gambling Application for Exempt Permit to be used for multiple Bingo events to be held at the Carefree Country Club, 12311 185th Ave. SE, Big Lake;
• Passed a resolution to reimburse cities and townships $1 per gopher in calendar year under the gopher bounty program. This is budgeted in the General Fund in the amount of $5,000 for 2025. Actual expenditures for 2024 bounties paid in 2025 were $3,109; 2023 bounties paid in 2024 were $3,753;
• Approved a Collective Bargaining Agreement and Memoranda of Understanding with AFSCME Assistant County Attorney Unit for the term of Jan. 1, 2025 through Dec. 31, 2026;
• Approved the 2025 Compensation Plan for non-union employees, which includes a 5% range adjustment and 2025 Pay for Performance Compensation Plan, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2025;
• Approved the purchase of new laptops and desktop computers under the county’s four-year replacement schedule. The IT department replaces roughly 25% of the county’s end-user equipment every year. The amount is $155,646.32 and has been allocated within the 2025 IT Budget request. No additional funds are needed;
• Approved the appointment of Matt Danzl as Sherburne County Agricultural Inspector;
• Proclaimed March as Social Work Month in Sherburne County;
• Approved a Conditional Use Permit for a 40’ x 30’ personal storage structure on 0.36 acres in the General Rural District and within the General Development Shoreland Overlay District of Eagle Lake.